Discussion: Toobin: Trump Is Shutting Down Gov't Because Ann Coulter Got Mad At Him

Well, looks like Nancy was wrong. Apparently he did have the votes after all.


What Toobin does best, almost like no other writer, is narrative nonfiction which he’s used to tell us about the Simpson trial, SCOTUS, and most recently Patty Hearst in his books. CNN’s hired a bunch of people recently including guys like Toobin who’s guaranteed to get under moron’s thin skin every so often. Santorum’s been hired too but he’ll only show his love.


Stay tuned for that tweet.


You know, there’s a lot of that going around.


Oops, when george agrees, I know I’m in trouble with you. Can’t let that happen.

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Unmanned nuclear missle silos. Good plan.

For Russia.

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Clairvoyance isn’t a virtue, nor is lack of it a vice : - )

Can’t this be considered a new tax? The promise was “no cost.” Personally, I’m not accepting Trump’s reimbursement deal, though I can’t do much about it, except apparently work for Russian intelligence.

Jesus, trumpp is so easily played,… goddamn.


That’s weird. I thought she was some sort of hideous beast from an early Clive Barker novel… One of those nocturnal monsters that prey on people’s most debased impulses.



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Ann Coulter is sexy in a way that photos of concentration camp mounds of dead bodies are sexy.

Sad and hateful person.


He’s temperamentally unfit to be part of civilization.


My skanky ex-girlfriend said I should start taking heroin again and I’m angry enough to do it!


And stomping his feet most likely, looking “like a bowl full of jello …”.

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Something you clearly don’t understand?

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tRump has always used OPM (other people’s money) to do business. Never his own if he can get away with it. That’s why he doesn’t give a shit that our taxpayer money should pay for an imaginary wall that will never get built, has no reason to be built, and that he promised his base that Mexico would pay for anyway. He just wants money…other people’s money. He doesn’t give a shit where it comes from. Its like his multiple slush funds, LLCs, foundations, PAC money, and every other scam he’s ever run. Its throwin’ around money…other people’s money. He demands it because its the only thing he values. Money is the only thing that motivates him. His only north star. If you listen to him its the only thing he sells to his base as his ultimate worth to the country. Making deals that involve money…and he’s terrible at it, but his base is so brain-dead that they refuse to see the avarice or the pathology in his constant lies.

And to think, the main reason we’re in this mess is all because that asshole wanted to build a fucking “tower” in Moscow…another dumb building from a shitty real estate guy out of NYC that only made it back to public attention because of a stupid reality show on television. Yep. Some schlock piece of real estate probably near Red Square. All because of money, hundreds of millions of dollars for himself and his greedy brood. He was so sure of making that deal that he signed on the dotted line and then lied about it, and also managed to promise Putin a fucking penthouse and timeshares to the rest of the fucking Russian Mafia there. The whole thing is unseemly. That’s all it took for him to sell out an entire country…money grubbing greed.

I feel sick following this mess some days…and it only gets worse, never better, never easier.


This government shutdown is only partial because some budget bills were previously passed. I know Defense is already funded for the 2019 fiscal year, but Homeland Security isn’t. I’m not certain about the other Departments.

And employees considered “mission essential” must show up to work even if they are not being paid - which is a double-whammy because you still have commuting and other work-related expenses but you can’t file for unemployment like non-essential personnel. You just get a verbal IOU that you’ll get paid eventually… which won’t pay for even a cup of coffee at a convenience store.

So Border Patrol personnel will not be paid until there’s either a signed budget or a continuing resolution but the troops supporting them will be paid on time.


Butter Emails.

Sorry, it’s either that or scream. And anyone with half a brain and eyes could see this train wreck coming. That’s why I can never fully forgive them.

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Would that make Tomi Lahern Coulter’s long lost daughter?