Nope, this is just another step in a rather forceful negotiation. Being in jail tends to concentrate the mind. Feds can bring more charges at any point in the future, or they could recommend leniency. Plus there’s state charges.
I doubt it. A pardon doesn’t erase the documentary and audio evidence.
Might as well declare the sky to be made of chocolate. The Constitution makes no provision for anything like that, fervently though you may want it. There simply is no mechanism.
He didn’t trust a criminal, he employed a criminal. For that very reason.
The campaign finance plea is going to be particularly difficult to thread the PR needle on for those who haven’t yet accepted Josh’s Law of Obvious Facts.
I have a prediction that Trump will pardon Cohen in the next 21 months.
That is by avoiding a trial and, if the reporting is correct, not agreeing to turn states evidence but merely pleading to avoid a trial, Cohen has spared Trump much embarrassment and other potential harm had Cohen gone on trial. Therefore if it is correct that this is merely a plea deal and not a flip to prosecution witness, regardless of the act the most famous reality TV star puts on, Trump will sleep better tonight.
Not only did Trump trust a ‘credentialed criminal’ … how about the Republican National Committee having had as a Deputy Finance Chair a guy who is expected to plead guilty to multiple counts of campaign finance violations, tax fraud and bank fraud as part of a plea deal. Only the best people (oh, and Broidy, too).