Hey Dipstick Cotton, that’s why we have courts. We know the legislative intent of the authors of the Dodd and Frank. We also know what Senator Elizabeth Warren thinks about who is the true Acting Director.
I like your way with words. It sums up my feelings on the subject, too.
He’s really just a horrible little twit, isn’t he?
Horrible and very arrogant.
Just let me know where the bus stops and I will be there!
Sen Cotton is wrong and needs to read the statute that created the agency in question. To protect the agency from politics, the law specifically stipulates the head of the agency shall name his successor should he step down. Trump will lose yet another case again when this gets litigated in the courts.
Then it should be cut and dried and the court should be issuing a TRO almost immediately.
One of the running projects we had in one of my American history classes in college was for us to look up a newspaper article on microfilm from the local newspaper from the time we were covering that week. One of the articles that stood out was on the Japanese military and how little of a threat it posed, it was from a couple days before the Pearl Harbor attack. It was almost funny in a black comedy kind of way. If I remember right what I did that week was print that article and one from the week after Pearl Harbor to compare and contrast.
“The Consumer Financial Protection Bureau is a rogue, unconstitutional agency,” Cotton said in a statement posted on Twitter Monday morning.
“The Consumer Financial Protection Bureau is a rogue, unconstitutional agency”. I didn’t see too many references in the Federalist Papers to the Dept of Interior. There was no Air Force much less NASA in the George Washington Administration.
I can only assume Lil Tommy is performing his job of cabana boy for the folks who pay to fix the election in his favor.
No, it’s not.
- Winter is coming.
- The weather in Cuba is pleasantly warm this time of year.
- …
- Hey, Trump - you’re such an asshole!
No no it’s not - the entire fucking GOP works for Putin.
Here you have it folks: the acme of human evolution in Arkansas, Senator Moron Cotton.
Cotton is from Arkansas.
He’s intellectually quite smart—but he knows nothing and is inordinately proud of his ignorance.
Doh! I stand corrected.
It appears to me the hayseed Tommie Cotton is trying to promote himself and his national political profile with this pronouncement. Hayseed Cotton is silent on all of the critical issues like the ( overturned ) Muslim Ban,the numerous conflicts of interest by the Trump family, and the dismantling of Obamacare. I guess he wants to be noticed by the right wing GOP crazies as a potential VEEP or Kommander in Chief.
I’ve been wondering what “Tehran Tom” has been up to lately, now I know.
I’d like to hear from the troops that served under Cotton in Iraq or Afghanistan what they thought about his leadership!
Jeeze, all of a sudden Tehran Tommie is an obedience pimp. Time for another shave Gooper.
While I fully agree with your sentiment, if you read the CFPB General Counsel’s opinion that Politico published, I don’t think that English is going to win this one. There are two statutes that seem to be a bit at odds with each other, but they can be reconciled by holding that the Dodd-Frank provision applies where the Director is “unavailable” and President has not acted to name an interim director but the standard provision applies if there is a vacancy and the President has named an interim director. If Congress had wanted to not have the standard vacancy rules apply in this case, then it could have said so expressly. As written, though, I think that the courts are going to limit the application of the Dodd-Frank provision to instances in which the Director is temporarily unavailable and giving him/her ability to designate someone to act under those circumstances.
Hey stupid, you can’t hijack the law!
The law, Dodd-Frank Act which passed in 2010 supersedes The Vacany Act of 1998. PERIOD!!! FULL STOP!!!