Discussion: Token Fox News Liberal Leaves Network For Seth Moulton's 2020 Team

Everybody is so critial of Colmes. But look at all the fantastic journalism he’s done since he left that show. Like… ____ and …

Exactly. At least Tim Ryan had the guts to run against Pelosi himself.

Harf rhymes with Barf? sorry couldn’t help it.
Seth Moulton is the Desert Storm veteran who challenged Nancy.
Nancy will do what she has to do. They should be taking notes from the great teacher instead. She’s the example, not the enemy. Sheesh.


With Marie Harf on his team, Moulton may be able to overtake electoral dynamo Howard Schultz! And maybe even Tulsi Gabbard!

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My grandmother’s name was Marie, too. She was born in 1896. That’s pretty much all I have to say on the subject of Ms. Harf.

The Pod Save America guys have been doing interviews with all the presidential candidates. I actually liked Tim Ryan more than I expected. Moulton, on the other hand, was the only one who actively turned me off in what is a relatively softball interview.

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You know Colmes is dead …right? Not just his career, really dead.


“I’ll leave a network of mediocre white guys for another white guy!”

Because of course

Oh damn. I really put my foot in it this time.
No I did not know that, or at least I didn’t remember it. Thank you for reminding me.

May he rest in peace.

Oooh, someone who hates Pelosi hiring someone who works for FOX. What could go wrong?

It just keeps her credentials as a “Democratic strategist” current.

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That about covers it.