Discussion: Today We Learned Melania Trump Has A Secret Half-Brother


It does give a new(er version of the) meaning to “Who’s your daddy?”

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Hmmmm…she has a half brother and she married someone just like her father. OK. Who cares?

Found his pic: Malarryia’ Cigelnjak

“she hadn’t understood the question”

That phrase will come in real handy for the Trumps as the campaign wears on.


Her earpiece was faulty.


A short, sticky, and stinky finger?

Half-Brother? If we figure out what the other half is then we’ll be able to determine which bathroom should be used.

As much as I despise Trump, this smacks of tabloid journalism. It might be a story if the half-brother was working for the campaign, otherwise not of interest to me.

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Damn! I was hoping he’d be a Mexican Muslim transsexual with really big hands.

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But the piece goes on to report what was apparently a well-kept family secret about Melania Trump’s half-brother, Denis Cigelnjak.

Denis Cigelnjak? I think Denis should tell Pat Sajak that he needs to buy a vowel.

Do they both speak half-English?

To use a New Yorkism that The Donald will understand, Oy, gevalt!

As for the advice she gives her husband, Trump said that “nobody will ever know” her exact words of wisdom.


The one ‘word of wisdom’ ~snicker!~ she could perhaps impart, concerns that orange facade he calls a face. It appears he applies agent orange with a Wagner spray gun.
Damn Malaria’…help him. He looks like a damned live Cheeto. Words of wisdom guuurl’!

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Oh, calm down. I mean, how many things about The Donald or the people in his life don’t merit an “Ew!” ?

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I don’t know if 'ol Melania is going to make it to the WH. She’s looking a bit wrinkly.

Donho may have to trade her in on a new model before the election.

Damn I was hoping her half brother was black and lived in Kenya.

OT: That is one sweet kitty in your pic.

2 months ago I hadn’t heard/cared of her or her half-brother. Now that I know she married her father/uncle, where’s the Romney endorsement?

Worry about something else. This lady married a wealthy guy who resembled her dad. That is not a sin. It happens all the time. I am not a Trump supporter. Attack him on his policies, not on his wife or children. We should be better than that.