Discussion: TN House Votes To Punish Memphis For Removing Confederate Monuments

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All things aside, is it me or doesn’t that seem like a really small amount of money for a bicentennial celebration?

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Racists gonna race.


Another Memphis Democrat called the move to take away the money unchristian, hateful and unkind . . .

I would add vile, but that’s just me.


In Jesus name,…

These people really are the worst. They all deserve shit trains.


Can’t have anyone getting uppity in Tennessee, can we?


And these are the things the republicans said for the record.


OHH how about a little tennessee civil war between the west,middle and east tenn
Bet the middle would win, they stole and keep all the money there plus they got that biggy airport wrapped in super expensive hotels there for the special folks.

Pretty sure they could make up for this in a heartbeat with a GoFundMe campaign…


Very forward-thinking bit of legislating there, Tennessee.

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Somebody make a GoFundMe page for Memphis, please!


This isn’t surprising.

(CNN)It sounds like the kind of legislation that should easily breeze through a statehouse, even in these politically divided times: a resolution denouncing white nationalists and neo-Nazis.

It didn't even make it out of committee in the Tennessee legislature.
The resolution was written by Tennessee Democratic state Rep. John Ray Clemmons. It doesn't name any particular group. It calls on law enforcement to go after white nationalists and Neo-Nazi groups with the same "fervor" as other forms of terrorism.
"[W]e urge law enforcement to recognize these white nationalist and neo-Nazi groups as terrorist organizations and to pursue the criminal elements of these domestic terrorist organizations in the same manner and with the same fervor used to protect the United States from other manifestations of terrorism."
But when it came up Wednesday before the House State Government Subcommittee, it died a quick death. How quick? About 36 seconds.


Again, I repeat, Sherman really should have been granted a year or more to ply his trade. Five weeks was wholly insufficient to wipe out this nest of vipers.


If it were me, I would punch back. I would start canceling city contracts with suppliers from other parts of the state.

Pro-Slavery Republican: “Today is a demonstration that bad actions have bad consequences."

Somebody should tell this racist jackhole that if bad actions truly had bad consequences…

Then every single Confederate traitor who took up arms against the United States – and treasonously murdered American fighting men in uniform – would have ended up on the bottom of a rope after a short drop.


Here’s a little info on the bill’s sponsor!

They left off Hobbies: Being petty, defending White supremacy

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Did they ever get that anti-neonazi resolution passed?

If Memphis had replaced the monuments taken down with ones representing the Confederacy’s victims I suspect much of the legislature would be less devoted to history.


my only regret about this is it’s not in the tune of millions of dollars,” Rep. Andy Holt, of Dresden, said of the punishment.

He went on to say that a good lynching would clear this up right quick.


“And the law was very clear, and they got smart lawyers to figure out how to wiggle around the law, and I think that’s what the issue is,”

And the law was very clear, and they got smart lawyers to figure out how to wiggle around the law, and I think that lame-ass excuse gives me plausible deniability for my racism.



Yup. And make the gifts in name of the offending TN Republicans, so they get lots of thank cards reminding them of their spiteful vote.

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