Discussion: Tlaib, Meadows Hug It Out After Contentious Cohen Hearing Spat

Dear and precious gods. Couldn’t the AP have gotten someone who WASN’T obviously whiter-than-white to write this story?

  • What Meadows did was racist.
  • POC (and other types of marginalized people) often are pressured to “make up” when they call someone out on their bad behavior and that person blows a gasket… especially when they’re going to have to continue working with that person.
  • “Making up” usually doesn’t involve the other person stopping the bad behavior.
  • Even after she hugged him, what he had done was still racist.

Meadows, one of Trump’s staunchest supporters in Congress, said he’s never heard the president say anything racist.

Yes, I know Captain Sternn. He is most kind and generous.

He is a cup overflowing with the cream of human goodness.

I have never known him to do anything immoral.


She had basically no choice. Meadows played the victim card and house rules like a fiddle. This was a learning experience for her. I’m sure she will figure out how to say the same thing next time without being at risk for violating the rule not to denigrate a fellow member of Congress. Notwithstanding that she didn’t actually call Meadows a racist.

Meadows has a thing for dark women?

Lawrence O’Donnell explained this very clearly on his show (28 Feb): “rules of decorum.” He sneered (ever so slightly at it) when he talked about it but because of these rules, Tlaib made a freshman mistake and needed to spare Cummings from letting it get worse.

But O’Donnell quickly made the crucial issue of Meadows’ racism someting that everyone else outside the House chamber can say openly: you are a racist. Say it out and say it often.