Pawlenty has gone down on everything but the Titanic…
This is a good result for the people of Minnesota but also will save the rest of the country from another Pawlenty presidential campaign.
It pleases me to see Pawlenty suffer this humiliation. I’m also glad his big-money GOP donors had their cash lit on fire in his losing effort.
Meet the next Democratic governor of Minnesota: Tim Walz. It’s his race to lose at this point.
I am so glad Pawlenty got eliminated this early. He really has been the undead candidate.
If we never hear from him again, it’ll be too soon.
Remember when he was the future of the Republican Party in 2011-12? The candidate of the so-called reformocons and Sams Club Republicans. How things change.
Another name to add to the Loser list Just below the Great Orange Pretender. I’ happy for Minnesota and the DFL,
Pawlenty’s tenure in the state was a time of grim misery when people were being told to do everything on their own.
Hi tech job search offices with little or no staff and the sense that nobody gave a darn, including him. The Yutz who beat Paw-paw (No great feat, by the way) is another wannabe Orange wind up toy. I only hope the people of Minnesota have the good sense not only to elect Walz but to flip both houses of the State legislature back to DFL control.
A surprising number of DFL candidates have spoken about expanding the state-based Healthcare program to everyone in the state. I think its a wonderful idea that might set a national pattern in finally bringing single payer to the US.
As for Pawlenty, Miserable Governor, Pathetic Presidential candidate, and someone I am glad to see become just another trivia answer. I hope Walker in Wisconsin joins him so that two useless people can just fade off into the obscurity they have so richly earned.
Yeah. Back then, I think it was not widely understood how absolutely warped the GOP had become by its absolute dependence on the largesse of a few astronomically wealthy donors.
IIRC, the conventional wisdom was that T-Paw did a better impression of vanilla pudding than just about any other human on Earth, and that he was polite enough while looting the public sphere that he might fly under the radars of disengaged centrists and moderate liberals.
But the fact is that in 2011 the GOP was already pretty far along a trajectory of desperate subservience to the plutocrats that had been supporting its failing organs with an iron lung made of cash and painted to look like a vision of governance. The illusion was good enough that outside observers didn’t realize a corner had been turned, and that the measures-of-fitness for Republican politicians were being mostly rewritten.
Pawlenty was perhaps the first high-profile friendly-fire casualty of Citizens United. The GOP’s ascendant paymasters apparently have no sense of professional courtesy.
x1000 likes. At least. From your lips to the MN voters’ ears.
“Johnson won Tuesday despite Pawlenty’s enormous fundraising and name recognition advantages.”
Name recognition is only an advantage to the extent that people have positive associations with the particular name.
Mr. Plenty comes up Empty.
Pawlenty of nothin’.
Hard to believe such a charismatic, inspiring guy didn’t win.
So happy to hear this! This scumbag ran the state into the ground for YEARS before we were finally able to purge ourselves him when he decided he wanted to go national. Bad move, Creep.
BTW, this is a very good sign. Old school is out. MN won’t be going right come Nov!!!
Not so sure, Pawlenty’s hubris runs pretty deep.
Couldn’t happen to a better asshole than Pawlenty.
A “Born-Agin’” Fake-Fundie who only cared about his own political career he was a pious-asshole supreme.
Rolling in money and endorsements, he is still kicked out of the Primary by a real Trumpster: Jeff Johnson.
Lets hope the democratic nominee Tim Walz can run a good campaign against what will be an EXTREME amount of outside money and SuperPAC advertising. He will need it as the Koch Machine has targeted Minnesota in it’s attempt to control the entire upper-mid-west and turn Minnesota into Wisconsin-West.
excellent post t - but I believe that honor belongs to pence
Dems cast 65% of the ballots in Minnesota.
GOP is toast in this state. Woweee…
Well, as we used to say here in Minnesota, Tim Pawlenty is the only politician who can make White-Bread-and-Mayonnaise look interesting.