Discussion: Tim Huelskamp Slams McConnell, Sets Stage For Shutdown Fight

The Republicans/Conservatives/Tea Party are like two drunk guys in the middle of the street deciding that a good way to ascertain who is more conservative is to repeatedly stab in other in the back until dead.


Did you know that the tiniest sprinkling of sustainably sourced powdered unicorn horn can convert Huelskamp’s reality-phobic statement into a true statement?

I cannot and will not find a vile, racist organization who specializes in convincing mothers to kill their children and then selling their baby parts to the highest bidder

So close, and yet so far.

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That is priceless

Kansas is not alone

I cannot and will not fund a vile, racist organization…

Why is he then a member of the GOP?


“I cannot and will not fund a vile, racist organization who specializes in convincing mothers to kill their children and then selling their baby parts to the highest bidder," Rep. Tim Huelskamp (R-KS) said in a written statement to TPM Tuesday."

did TMP write him back, telling him what a complete load of crap his statement is? and isn’t it a sin to witness falsely?


But you will stand against sentient mothers and for non sentient fetuses. Nazi!!!

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But, he will make up vile lies and repeat them again and again. Strange value system for Rep Huelskamp—posturing about righteousness on the basis of lies…lies that have been exposed as such over and over again.

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House Speaker John Boehner has no guts - he has ignorantly enslaved himself to the stupid highly partisan “Hastert rule” - and lacks the backbone to deviate from it - he is terrified to use all of the tools that are available to him - and ultimately because of his timidness in this regard - he will be the key participant in his own demise.
Come on John - be bold - stand up and do the right thing for the country.

“I cannot and will not fund a vile, racist organization who specializes
in convincing mothers to kill their children and then selling their baby
parts to the highest bidder," Rep. Tim Huelskamp (R-KS) said in a
written statement to TPM Tuesday.

And republicans claim there is no war on women.
I assume that this is “compassionate conservatism” in action…
Welp, I guess their compassion is different than mine.

Pictures with Two Tims - and Huelskamp is the third smartest one in the pictures


Kansas, what’s the matter with you?

WTF, Chuck? Is Kobach holding mandatory bible studies in the AG’s office? Do you have a reference on that?

“A leading conservative lawmaker …”

You can stop reading right there. Tierney making things up.

He’s a nobody from KS and no one listens to him except the press and his fellow nutcases.

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“who specializes in convincing mothers to kill their children and then selling their baby parts to the highest bidder”: care to provide ONE case of “body parts” being sold…? Or is it simply too good of a conservative talking point to avoid…?

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Sorry about Huelskamp folks…just want you to know I didn’t vote for that fucking dirtbag.

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The shutdown in 2013 didn’t hurt the GOP in the midterms, so Republicans think they won’t be punished this time either. One would hope so, but look at what Trump gets away with. Every time he says something outrageous his popularity increases.

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you might want to follow PoliticuUSA

Read it at Raw Story earlier.

Makes a good story if true.

Ah, yes.