Discussion: Tillerson Defends Trump: President Is Just Speaking Kim Jong-un's Language

…so now we have a Secretary of State that thinks we should be reassured by the fact that both Little Donnie Trump and Kim routinely use language that can only be described as that used by children who bully one another.

My but how far we have fallen. If we continue on this path nothing good will come of it.

Trump learned from the greats…



There’s another part of this that’s going apparently unnoticed. Crazy man is tweeting that the US will never give up the position of most powerful nation on the planet. There’s a large-ish country on NK’s border with a rapidly growing economy and military that might just take such a statement the wrong way.


This goes back to what has been predicted for 6 months now - Trump is trying to get us into a war to divert attention from his floundering, failing, FUBAR presidency.

He is indeed an narcissistic sociopath that is losing his mind from the pressure he is under. The unprecedented number of vacations and golf days he has taken are doing nothing to relieve his meltdowns.


Told you this was all bullshit theatre. Trump is trolling his Generals and just trying to get on the news.

So, Tillerson is saying it’s a redneck fight?

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Yes, and the Kaiser was speaking the Czar’s language when he said, “Mobilization means war”.

What’s his excuse when N Korea isn’t threatening us?

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What we need in situations like this is a well-funded, well-staffed, well-functioning State Department.

Instead, we have Exxon.


So he’s basically admitting to think of Trump not as our president, but a mascot.

What good has come out of it so far? :stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye:

Actually, Trump speaks the language of Lee Atwater, Roger Ailes, Dick Cheney and Karl Rove.
Manafort’s house just got raided by the FBI, so Trump has switched to the language of “Wag the Dog.”

Just wondering when guys like tillerson will begin to see stunts like this for what they really are…trump publicity stunts…to draw attention away from, the string of failures thats around his neck…

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Americans are the real idiots.
They are the ones that elected a liar, hypocrite, conman and fraud president.
North Koreans never had a choice.


I am being reassured by a gas company executive overseeing an empty State Dept about how fucking crazy my president is or isn’t.

I am buying black underwear from now on, it is getting harder and harder to bleach out the daily shit stains.

Quote: “President Is Just Speaking Kim Jong-un’s Language”

So you’ve identified the problem. Very good. Now what’s the solution?

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Trump World. Excellent…

REX: Party on, Wayne.

DONALD: Party on, Garth. And I mean bigly.

<Fade to black.>

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Pathetic excuse making about having someone who thinks and talks at Kim’s level in the Oval Office.

Trump needs to be removed from office. Along with this excuse-making piece of shit.


Defend our allies? I bet the folks in South Korea would like a lot less of that defending right now.

No…I think trumps is this big…