ISIS’ destruction of heritage sites. My first thought as well.
I would love to see a bunch of citizens just show up there and all start visiting and using the place. Call these guys bluff, because you know in the end they will point guns at unarmed civilians and stop them. Kinda a ‘counter protest’ to show the world how little these jackboots really are doing this ‘for the people’. If I lived close by I’d do it.
There are artifacts and papers at this refuge that are VERY important to a local Indian tribe that has a reservation in the area. I expect they are seriously PISSED that these hooligans are rifling thru their material. They’ve had it hard enough with the Feds deliberately losing artifacts and papers in past decades. This is not good at all.
It’s rather like ISIS taking over Palmyra.
Whatever strategy these guys thought they had, it’s not working. So as they get desperate, they’re acting out, almost begging the Feds to come in with guns blazing. And as the Feds aren’t obliging, the militia guys continue to escalate. I don’t know if this is the right strategy or not, but Obama has earned the benefit of the doubt in my book.
Hey I have a question. Why is TPM giving this story soo much coverage. Most of the media could care less about this story. Who cares about some wildlife refuge in the middle of no where.
God, can we stop fucking around and arrest those fuckers now? I am heartily sick of this.
Actually, I was impressed that there was only one misspelling.
Why is the electricity still on and why are people allowed to go back and forth from what is a crime scene. Really?
Just as one aspect of this, I hope someone is toting up the bill for damages that Bundy and his Vandals are liable for. That’s over and beyond all criminal aspects of their party.
This is Bullshit!
Fucking Moochers, Freeloaders, Squatters, Spongers, Poseurs…
Enough is Enough already.
Apply the law!
Makes me mad as I continue to read this saga unfold. Nothing has changed. If anything they’ve become more emboldened.
Oh, Jeebus, get these YeeHawdists out of there. Take an enforcement action like any other–you know, police dressed in riot gear like they had for peaceful protesters at the last Republican convention and liberal use of tear gas, rubber bullets, and concussion grenades–and move the occupiers out of there. Do not fire weapons unless fired upon. If the protesters start a fire-fight, so be it. This is open rebellion and should not be tolerated any more than peaceful demonstrators getting close to a Republican convention. That’s my opinion.
Good point. Does anyone know if local or federal arrest warrants have been issued for these clowns? If there were, they could pick them off one at a time as they leave their bunker.
Just because I’m in a cranky mood but was that AP article written for grade school kids? I never would have figured out the meaning of the piece without all those paragraph headers.
Officials are very concerned, but not concerned enough to put an end to this.
Bundy says that he will give the artifacts to the Paiutes if they want them? They are now his to give?
I’m going to get a gun and occupy the Bureau of Engraving and Printing in the name of We The People. Y’all c’mon down and I’ll pass out hundred dollar bills to whoever wants them.
Extra charge for Bundy signed artifacts…
The current culture of the refuge is birdwatchers and archaeologists. Ranchers were the previous culture.
According to a couple of things I’ve read, cutting the power to the visitor center would also cut power to a couple of ranches down the line.
The Bundy crew is clearly spot on. Notice how the federal govt has oppressed the letter N to the point where some of them could not take their rightful places on that sign.