Discussion: This Comment Made Megyn Kelly Wonder If Dinesh D'Souza's Gone 'Off The Deep End' (VIDEO)

D’Souza should just say some Catholic mumbo jumbo and drive the evil out of Obama, just like when he helped exorcize bad spirits from a friend back in college.

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Actually, it’s about a delusional liberal kid who thinks his conservative Dad is a child molester and finds out in every episode that his Dad actually is popular with toddlers because he’s so much fun.

We’ve seen a lot of stories lately, with Fox hosts skewering derp. Is Fox actually repositioning itself for a post-derp world? Does Rupert Murdoch see the steam running out of Fox’s business model?

“…controlling this rogue elephant that is the United States”?

Aren’t conservatives and ‘people of the bag’ the ones constantly bitching about “big government”…? Oh, wait. I see. Oh, that conniving terrorist fist-bumping socialist gun-banning Nazi Radical Muslim. He’s one of them!

Why is anything on Fox considered newsworthy? Nothing anyone says there is anything more than self-promoting hatespeech. If self-respecting news outlets, like TPM, simply didn’t report on what happens there, perhaps they would just fade away.

Well there you have it folks…the Republican insanity evolved into one person. D’Souza lives with way too much hate. Why does he have any time on any news program - even one as bad as the Fox Network of Republican Propaganda. Who ever sponsors Dinesh should cover his psychiatric bills.

It’s just a few commentators who “Can’t take it anymore”!!!

What a D’Ouchebag…