Discussion: These Conservative Radio Hosts Are Upset With Trump's Attacks On Cruz

The Doctors Frankenstein are now complaining about the monster they created??? Give me frickin’ break!!


“Defending the GOP ruling class and lurching left are dumb tactics,” Levin wrote of Trump’s comments.

I agree not being a maniac is a trait of the left. However I think they are saying Trump is a maniac for saying that Cruz is.

Talk about panties in a twist!

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They have finally woken up to the reality that Trump might actually win the republican nomination, but has no chance in the general election. This is going to be so sweet watching the right wing self destruct with former Rush followers burning him in effigy. Although based on crowd comments at Trump rallies it might be the real thing not an effigy!


“Launched into space . . .” Suddenly launched, I hope. Oh, my what a wonderful thought. All nine of 'em up there on the shuttle panicking, but each one pretending that only he or she knows what to do with the hundreds of button and lever thingies to get them back to earth.

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I think that Trump is going to take a wait and see who attacks him at the debate. I don’t think Trump will go after Cruz.

Hmm. They changed the headline from “These Conservative Radio Hosts Are Upset With Trump’s Attacks On Cruz” to “Trump Finally Goes Too Far For Rush: Attacks Ted Cruz”.

Now it sounds like Limpballs is attacking sCruz.

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Major findings: Christie has dirty polar caps and Carly doesn’t require a space suit…

Shuttle? We don’t need no stinking shuttle!

I pictured them just tied to the side of a Space-X rocket (you know, the kind that occasionally just blow up). No wasting precious oxygen, either.

I dunno, I think Rush just wanted to know if the dog can still wag his own tail, as opposed to the other way around. He has total control over everyone on that stage except Trump, and he’s got to be dying to know if he can berate him into submission like all the other candidates. Even I’m curious to see who will win this one.


Another dumb headline. TPM continues to whiff on a bunt.

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Rush, you and your buddies built this so you own it.

The Conservative Entertainment Complex controls the party. The fact that Trump was their choice is really not surprising. The biggest clown is the most entertaining.

That focus group of 29 Trump supporters that Frank Luntz put together were immune to facts.

“Donald Trump says that President Obama wants to allow 250,000 Syrian refugees to come into the country,” Luntz said. “Who thinks that is mostly true?”

Nearly every hand shot up.

“Do you know that Obama has said he wants only 10,000 refugees?” Luntz asked.

“What’s in his heart?” asked one participant.

“He’d let as many in as possible,” insisted another.

“It happens again and again,” said Jeff Scrima, 38, who moved to the D.C. area after serving as mayor of Waukesha, Wis. “The State Department says one thing, Obama says something else, and they change the policy to match him.”

Anything is possible when truth no longer matters. Think about that the next time Hugh Hewitt is on Meet the Press or State of the Union with Jake Tapper or providing post debate spin on CNN.

Participants derided the mainstream media, accusing reporters of covering snippets of Trump quotes when the full context would have validated him. They cited news sources they trusted — Breitbart News was one example — to refute what they were being told.


Reality show contestant runs for president.


Trump and Rush, Two fabulously rich fat guys; each owns his own personal aircraft, neither has any personal friends, both have had multiple divorces, This is The Republican Party


Notice only the members of the conservative keyboard brigade have decided to attack Trump for challenging Cruz. If they had their way our elected government would never accomplish anything. Trump’s attacks on Cruz are well taken. Cruz doesn’t do what he was elected to do and he really doesn’t get along with the rest of the Senators.


A stopped clock and all that.

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I am comforted in knowing that at least the public holds the press in as low esteem as it holds Congress.

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Another tell that Rubio is just a centrist wanker crackpipe fantasy and it’s going to be Cruz in the end. The Haterade dispensers are lining up behind him.

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PusLimbaugh loves him some crOOZE…

Jimmy Fallon–the winner of the last 4 Republican debates–Hillary Clinton.