Discussion: Theresa May Won't Admit Defeat For Brexit Deal Despite Deadlocked Talks

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They have 20 more days to go before they fall of the cliff, brits will to be forced to go, bowler hat in hand, to those horrible bureaucrats in the continent and beg them to let them stay in the EU a few more weeks.


Trump and Brexit—two giant mistakes that are so hard to take back!


Except that a few more weeks isn’t really useful. Northern Ireland is pretty much a showstopper (the peace accords depend on a permeable border between NI and Ireland, but Brexit requires a hard border for both products and people) and that doesn’t seem as if it’s going to change. And if they delay more than a few weeks the brits either have to hold elections for the european parliament or else the EU won’t agree to the delay because even more chaos.

Except for the zombie apocalypse alternative part, this is a lot like the US congressional attempts to kill the ACA, where crucial votes against the proposals came from people who thought it wasn’t disgustingly evil enough.


both promoted by Putin.


Northern Ireland is a problem just because they want to. They can let Ulster rejoin the Republic of Ireland. The Orangemen can either suck a lemon or move to England and do their marches there.


Call the Don for an action plan…that always works so well in the USA…


The FT story today suggests that May may call a “conditional vote”, not on the deal to which the EU has actually agreed, but to the deal she’d like them to agree to.

A Monty Python-esque step. The whole nation decided to point itself at Dover and start walking toward the cliff. Now perhaps they shall vote that actually there is no cliff.


Theresa May Won’t Admit Defeat For Brexit Deal Despite Deadlocked Talks

And some people thought John Major was ridiculous for stockpiling cheese in the freezer.


The likely result of all of this will be a unified Ireland in the EU, an independent Scotland in the EU, and the rump country of England and Wales outside the EU (and much poorer for it). Well, to quote Meatloaf, “Two out of three ain’t bad.”


I don’t see any way she avoids a no-confidence vote.


Is that supposed to be a bad thing?


Brexit will go down as one of the greatest political own goals in modern European history. With chaos reigning supreme, Putin and Mercer can only look upon this slow-motion wreck as journeyman’s proof of the effectiveness of cybermobilization of low-info voters. 10% loss of GDP, stranding of people and assets in 27 countries, FDI diverted elsewhere. And here is the tragicomic May still trying to make it happen. Time for the Brits to step back from the abyss!


They won’t. For the same reason Trumptards still support Trump, they rather double down rather than admit they are stupid.


There’s an easy out… The EU already said that Britain can have a freebie and just take back their declaration to leave, and everything will be fine.


The degree of the self-own can’t be emphasized enough. Obviously electing Donald Trump was a terrible, shitty, horrendous, awful thing, but by law, we did have to elect somebody. Brexit just… one day the English everyman just decided to shoot himself in the face, just out of the blue, for no reason at all. It’s absolutely amazing. And no major political party in the UK is able to stand up and say in unison “this is a terrible idea, we can’t do this”. It’s as if 40% of Democrats and 60% of Republicans supported Trump. It’s amazing.


But it is a minority position in the UK these days. True, the US is governed by a crazy minority and it does things against its long-term interests daily. Political chaos if Britain crashes out of the EU.

MPs have a duty to the nation not to use parliament for personal prejudice or fantasy. They have a duty to listen to those who know. Just now, they are not fit to be MPs. There is no majority in the country for hard Brexit, any more than there is in Northern Ireland for a hard border. For the UK to abandon Europe’s collective economic community passes all comprehension. For buccaneer Brexiters, insistence on leaving the customs union (which has nothing to do with immigration) was always a bridge too far. It is a sign of their weakness that they now dare not compromise, even if it destroys their prime minister.


It doesn’t help that Labor is also divided over the issue, Opposition leader Corbyn being a mushy brexiter himself.


Says it all…


but the politicians can’t/won’t let it go.