Discussion: ‘THERE WAS NO COLLUSION’ And Other Edits Trump Scrawled On His Statement

How can this get much worse… We need headlines all over saying


A crawl on Fox would be nice too… but that is probably asking for too much


"Strongly" Your fascination with that word makes me suspect the opposite is a constant source of psychic discomfort for you.


Stable genius edits. Guaranteed to make prepared remarks even better.

Because the remarks someone else prepared did not do enough to defend Trump …

Or Russia.


also scrawled yes, it did taste like mother’s milk


I can’t make out if there is stage direction for the lights to go out too, of if that was also an ad lib. In any case, the story line for this season is just not believable.


Trump actually could be telling the truth–almost impossible as that is to believe. Maybe there was no actual collusion. But if he is acting as he is toward Russia simply because he fears that the truth about that nation’s involvement in the election would render his presidency illegitimate, what he is doing is still something for which he ought to be impeached. The motive doesn’t really matter, or at least it is not necessary for crimes to have been committed.


I’ve grown weary of the inability of journalists to call Trump on his misdirections regarding Mueller’s investigation and his assertion it is primarily tasked with rooting out collusion. Rosenstein’s letter creating Mueller’s office lays out a mandate clearly encompassing issues beyond mere collusion, yet that fact is never prominently cited in pushing back on Trump and his supporter’s denigration of the investigation.

“any links and/or coordination…”

See that, Donald? “links”

Now, STFU.


“Any fool can start a war, but real [illegible] is forging peace.”

The fact he crossed out that line makes me worry he’s PLANNING to start a war, and he doesn’t want to call himself a fool.

Can’t shake that perception that Trump WANTS a war with SOMEONE so it will save his sorry orange ass from history’s inevitable condemnation somehow.


All the eggheads around here seem mystified by the simplest facts… collusion isn’t a one-way event, and often it goes back and forth, the Russians responding to Trump’s directions is just one form of it, whether Trump responded to some Putin order isn’t the only form of collusion.

The Russians responded to trump’s “order”, and that was collusion. Trump initiated it.

Like me, that is just too simple for some smart folks, I guess. But as I see it, you’d almost have to be prejudiced for Trump NOT to see the simplest forms of everyday collusion that went on.

Like any conspiracy, the subtle coordination often is the deep stuff, people looking for smoking guns seem to ignore all these hidden collusion IED’s.


So it turns out that all this time, Trump has been denying that there was… “COLUSION”! Which is like denying “covfefe!” “Colusion” isn’t a thing, so it’s easy to deny.

I’m betting that Rudy Giuliani guided him to this lawyerly distinction.


He is covetous of the fact Truman launched nukes, and mystified no one since has used them. Hence he very much wants to be only the second President to use them, and to brag the ones he used were bigger and more devastating. If it wasn’t for Russia’s ability to launch a counter attack Trump would be dropping nukes on every damned nation that looked at him sideways.

Donald Trump asked a foreign policy expert advising him why the U.S. can't use nuclear weapons, MSNBC's Joe Scarborough said on the air Wednesday, citing an unnamed source who claimed he had spoken with the GOP presidential nominee.

"Several months ago, a foreign policy expert on the international level went to advise Donald Trump. And three times [Trump] asked about the use of nuclear weapons. Three times he asked at one point if we had them why can't we use them," Scarborough said on his "Morning Joe" program.


Sorry Kate, but that’s no fine tip marker!

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Actually, my purpose was not to suggest that there wasn’t collusion–it’s clear that there was–but to show that whether there was or not should not determine what happens here. “No collusion!” is another distraction from the real issue.


This administration is like a textbook of fallacious reasoning at every turn. Even though he struck the paragraph suggesting that there are people in DC who don’t want diplomacy and would prefer war, you know that he was in on the conversation that included it. It’s just too ridiculous. I thought that Bush, et al. who claimed that if we weren’t with him we were with terrorists was bad.


Good insight. Seems to be a pattern in the critique of his “performance” using key words such as ‘weak’ and ‘submissive’. etc. Probably really gets under his skin.

Seems like for something this serious, using what could be coincidence could be problematic. This is serious - proof that would be undoubted is a necessity. Doesn’t seem entirely likely that Russian intrusion was started at donald’s request. Seem more a ‘connect the dots’ that it was a signal to trigger something already underway.

Some of donald’s supporters actually believe that there is a ‘plot’ to over throw their hero. As hard as that is to believe… Hearing that donald has 80%+ approval rating from Republicans is astonishing…

Listen to some of the other side’s views and comments - then roll the time machine into the future to a point where what they are saying about the “unfounded attacks” on donald - which, as you state, seem so very OBVIOUS, were actual bogus attacks on an innocent Democratic president. It’s important that the charges need to be proven, explicit, unequivocal, and backed up with as close to a smoking gun as can be established.

Besides the present circumstances, things that are happening now set precedent for the possibility of an actual bogus attack.

ETA- all that being said… the Helsinki performance is world wide evidence that this idiot is not fulfilling his oath of office and That alone should be grounds for impeachment. As many have stated.


She also thinks Hair Furor has a svelte derriere.

Nope, 'tis a felt tip pen (medium or maybe broad tip), but it is Donnie Two-scoops preferred writing implement. It’s another point that indicates how declasse he is. Fountain pens are elegant writing implements, not felt tip pens.

NB: I ordinarily don’t care what anyone’s preferred writing implement is. I happen to prefer fountain pens, because I like the way a good one lays down ink and I especially like how a good nib feels on an excellent piece of paper. But if someone else likes ball points, or rollerballs, or felt tips, or even crayons, I think that is the writer’s preference. In Two-scoops’ case he wants us to think that he is the ultimate in luxury and elegance. In reality, he is an insecure trumped up asshole from Queens.


He is truly insane and should be removed as soon as possible. A madman in the Oval Office. This is pretty scary stuff.


This rejection of diplomacy is the same mindset that dragged us into Iraq and Libya
