Discussion for article #223759
GUNS GUNS GUNS! Everywhere! Even unused at school shootings! The NRA dream came true years ago. Over 300 million guns for 300 million people.
Now dontcha just feel so safe?
But this is impossible! .Wild West Wayne sez in order to be safe, we must all have guns.
He sez so!
Nope! We need more guns, at least 4:1 per capita! That way, we can just discard one when it runs out of ammo or malfunctions, grab another loaded one and continue shooting! I’ve seen it work in the movies and on video games, so it must be true!
These gun people . . .are killing the rest of us. Fuck their “rights.” They’ve got the right to be responsible with their toys.
So is this 2nd kid with a gun a “good guy” with a gun? Why was he arrested for doing what Republicans and the NRA say he should do to protect himself?
Or you can throw it when you’re empty! That always looks so cool on TV!
Just realized something here. Usually NRA waits a couple of days for outrage to cool a little before they come out with fresh idiocy.
These have been coming so fast lately, they haven’t had a chance to get a word in edgewise. Sounds like their next presser will be a bit, um…awkward, what with the backlog.
Will they do one for each event, or try to hit them all at once? But if they group them together, that doesn’t read well since even the dim bulbs can connect those dots.
Will be interesting to see what they choose to spout next.
They will say that the increasing frequency of bad guys with guns shows that now, more than ever, it is imperative that every good guy be armed with a gun too. Yadda, yadda, yadda.
I’ve been tellin’ ya, troops, the more there are, the more there will be.
In some perverse way, these events trigger – no pun intended – similar behavior in people predisposed to it.
Expect more. Film at 11.
actually, it turns out, good guys need to be armed with pepper spray.
on another forum there was a post from a gun zealot telling all of us that a few deaths from mass shootings was acceptable to him as a trade off for his right to own and use guns.
he went on to say that America is big with lots of people and the number of people actually killed was a very small percentage, indicating they were not very important
what about OUR right to live and be safe?
Cue the hottest trend in American Professionalism out there…in order to deal with this everyday recurrent shit…Grief Counselors and Trauma Teams are now awaiting your children’s questions and providing comfort, albeit temporary until the next time gun violence erupts…which will probably occur within the next few days if the current trend continues as expected.
Who says America isn’t creating new jobs in this country during tough times?
Anger management and anti-bullying counselors are just sooo yesterday…
Ah, the romance of the gun. Old Jarad saying, “I want an AK47 so bad…” The ache of loneliness without a gun. Unbearable. Or so the story goes, as told by the NRA, Fox (which adds the romance of revolution, so-called) – a true romance that gets teenagers where they live–and also die…
I suppose the NRA and Republican Con & Bagger solution to all this would be that the schools should start teaching SWAT self-defense tactics from kindergarten on so the children can all safely carry guns to school daily.
Hmmmm…I wonder if Gun Humper n’ Chief, Wayne LaPierre, EVER gives the daily slaughter even a single solitary moment’s thought. Or do the bloody corpses and grieving families never intrude into that blissful state of ignorance and denial which dwells in his pointy and greed-filled head.
We see that same shit on this site too. Fortunately, since they implemented the new comment system, we no longer have to be put in a position to tolerate their shameless advocacy for violence and guns like we used to based on “2nd Amendment Remedies”. A few still get through to comment but it’s no where like what it used to be when Brietbart’s site or Drudge’s sent those flying monkeys swarming to whatever liberal site they could find to troll and fling their flying monkey shit. Stay safe BurntToast…
Updated NRA Creed: “The tree of liberty must be refreshed from time to time, pretty nearly every damn day or two actually, with the blood of schoolchildren.”
Republican Con and Bagger response: "But how is my eight-year-old supposed to defend himself at school if he’s forced to leave his AR-15 home? "
The spin and excuse-making in the FOX Echo Chamber: “We blame video games, the ongoing feminization/gayification of America, Obama, decline of Christian morals, the climate change hoax, and Obama, and Barack HUSSEIN Obama also…too!”