Discussion: The Underdog Candidates Who Made Waves Wednesday Night

Bill DeBlasio only impressed me with how rude and annoying he was. Hopefully he won’t qualify for the next round of debates. Actually, hopefully we’ll be down to 10 candidates or fewer who qualify.


I recorded the debate and zoomed past the commercials, DeBlasio, Gabbard, Ryan and Delaney. Life is too short.

I was really impressed with Castro. He is a contender, probably for veep. Beto fell flat. Adios, amigo. Klobashar seemed nervous. Corey brought the passion. Warren delivered her policy papers with the usual high energy. She didn’t have to mix it up with anyone and didn’t.

ETA: I forgot Inslee. Who didn’t?

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Isn’t it a fact of every campaign that the person tagged as the winner by the pundits never emerges as the winner when the polls come out the following week?

Personally I thought de Blasio, Castro, and Klobuchar came off as unlikeable. Conversely, Booker, Beto, and Warren seemed like people you could drink a beer with.

Being a bully might win debate points with the MSNBC crew. It didn’t play well at my house. Polls next week will be interesting.


Castro also looked bad ass. His expression accurately reflected my feeling of having had way more than my fill of shitty government.


Do you really want to drink a beer with the president? (And would it matter who buys?)

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Please, I’m still having my coffee. The picture of the Rump in his bathrobe is more than enough to make me choke.

The kind of people who whine about unlikability are the kind who have warped priorities

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I wonder how many Big Macs and Filet O Fishes Trump munched on during the debate?

His heart is apparently still beating, so not nearly enough.

The only ones that actually impressed me on that stage were Ryan and Gabbard. The rest have no firm foundation in reality, and we don’t need to replace one fabulist with another.

This was especially apparent in the responses to what they would do if McConnell was still majority leader in 2021. The idea that Dems need to get to 50 in the Senate so that doesn’t happen was the most realistic (tho unlikely) but Warren’s take that she was going to get it done by just fighting really hard made me gag.

Ready to hear Biden, Sanders, Buttigieg and Harris and see if any of them is more grounded in reality. (no bets on Sanders)

Depends on the President. If it were PBO, fuck yeah.

Still, point taken. Voting for someone because they’re “someone you’d want to have a beer with” – to put in barroom language, fuck that shit. And yes, I well remember the 2000 campaign.