Discussion: The Trump Bump: Early Gamble On The Donald Pays Off For Backbenchers

what happened to his neck?
where is it?

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None of these bozos needs to worry about re-election. They are all in GOP-run and gerrymandered states. DesJarlais was re-elected after all the abortion hypocrisy was revealed. Heā€™s Teflon with the Republican base. I donā€™t know if he ever had a sobbing moment of Christian contrition like Vitter did, but that seems to do the trick for the Republican base. How many evangelicals are throwing their hats into Trumpā€™s ring because they love the power he projects and how he could be the one to give them the Supreme Court of their dreams - 4 to 5 mini Scalias to set up and legally justify the GOP rule for the next 40 years - not his total lack of Christian morality. Trump never asks for forgiveness, something Christians require for redemption.


Quite the braintrust, Trump is gathering.

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people gravitate toward those who are or about to be

The poor pundits are flummoxedā€¦First, a segment about Trumpā€™s idiocy, his immature jibberish. Then, having declared him a brainless fool, they pour over every utterance to tweeze meaning from that which theyā€™ve already said was meaningless but marveling at his political audacity.
Is it surprising then that backbench idiots who fell onto the turnip truck get a free ride to market think they themselves are turnips?

Yeah, the Titanic was pretty impressive when it launched, tooā€¦

So why is Uncle Festerā€™s picture at the top of the article?

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Trumpā€™s handsā€¦

Backbenchers, nice way to start out politely calling them nobodies.
If their only hope for fame or resurrection is Donald Trump, then they are by definition, pathetic.

Trump will burn, when is the known unknown. Jumping on board of a future implosion because it looks good while heating up isnā€™t wise, itā€™s the last desperate act of a fool.

Does it say, Iā€™m wise and only make smart decisions concerning the future or I am an idjit that canā€™t see the obvious train wreck coming straight at my face by taking the risk of hooking up with a ticking time bomb?

The Repubs have gotten themselves into this sweet position and the normal routine of dissembling and prevarication will multiply incrementally until the idea of being for something before you were against it will seem like astute decision making.


If DesJarlais gets reelected it will prove that the Tea Partiers are as unethical as they claim the Democrats are.

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Something classic, Iā€™m sure.

The Trump Bump: Early Gamble On The Donald Pays Off For Backbenchers

Oh yes, two years is not as long as Desjarlaisā€™ dick. Weā€™ve seen it before, baldy.