The flaw in the Constitution is that representatives from states where the IQ is in the negative numbers have any influence at all.
The best lack all conviction, while the worst
are full of passionate intensity.
Wow. DesJarlais, the pro-life anti-abortion doctor who, gasp, forces his girlfriends to get abortions, endorses another piece of human excrement, Trump.
Does the Trump Bump include movie deals? I think DesJarlais may get his own Jabba the Hut sequel in the Star Wars saga. Just Sayin.
“… “Trumpkins” as the Daily Beast coined them…”
I prefer “Trumpanzees.” Pays homage to Drumpf’s orangutan heritage.
(notice the little hands…)
He became the first member of the conservative Freedom Caucus to endorse Trump, and while DesJarlais says the decision wasn’t “risky per se,” he admitted that Trump was a bit “lean” on policy specifics when he lent his support.
Sounds like his support was purely strategic.
As a backbencher, if he supported an establishment candidate (i.e. Rubio or Bush), his support would have been lost in the crowd.
But by supporting a long shot, he either wins big or loses nothing. And it appears he wins big (for now) while the country may suffer catastrophically.
Trump’s intention was always to take Washington and shake it up.
Intention? Doubtful that this knee-jerk spewhole is able fire the neural circuits required to achieve that level of intention. Like saying leeches and hemorrhoids are capable of coherent strategizing.
Sanders Supporters read this article very carefully…
These men make me wonder why it had to be Senator Wellstone’s airplane.
Trump attracts the worst kind of diseased flies.
The corrupt and opportunists are at the core of the GOP now. That’s why so many of their voters since 2006 have become Independents. It’s taken a toll that even their leadership still will not admit. It was only a matter of time before someone like Trump would move in on the operation and rally these forces. There really wasn’t much left that was decent within the party to defend against him.
In the 1930’s, Nazi Party members with low numbers–Old Nazis–were given preferences.
In other words, the usual gang of assholes in the Republican Party…
Those “Independents” are still hard core Republicans!
The people who are around the candidate from the beginning sure have a leg up.
All bullies have little gang of loser scum outcasts hanging around. Since WWII the name for people who do that at a national level is “quisling.” Original one was shot. We’ll hope it won’t come to that and simply send these churls back to the gutters they came from.
Let us see this very very great guy DesJarlais that endorses The Dumpster
…holds gun to ex’s head,
…marriage is sacred and should only be between a man and woman but don’t tell that to his multiple mistresses,
…is against abortion except for his mistresses,
…etc, etc, etc, etc…
Dear God, save us from sanctimonious conservative Republican crooks who are running our country and defining the Bible.
In many ways, Trump’s crew of early adopters are unlikely leaders, but at its core that is what Trump’s campaign has been about. Trump’s intention was always to take Washington and shake it up.
I’m sorry, are we able to read Trump’s mind now? Is there a Trump Mindreading Machine available on the market? Because if we’re in the mindreading game now, I see no evidence that Trump has any clear intention to do anything at all except prove he’s not either a meaningless, insignificant worm the way his subconscious keeps telling him he is.
Dear God, save us from sanctimonious conservative Republican crooks who are running our country and
definingdefiling the Bible.
Edit for accuracy.
Uncle Fester