Discussion for article #224438
When unions first organized, there was much shedding of blood. Just sayin’.
Once people finally lose patience with their wages and benefits being taken away and the wealthy getting fatter and fatter, once people used to a basic but comfortable lifestyle see that destroyed and the prospects for their children on the decline, it’s really not gonna matter what the fascists on the Supreme Court think, or what the liars on Fox News say.
Fact is, America just isn’t hurting enough to resist this bullshit. Yet.
Another bitterly ironic consequence of Ralph Nader’s 2000 campaign. Because of his gigantic ego, the man who has spent his entire adult life complaining about the influence that corporations and business have on American life managed to vastly increase that influence beyond the worst nightmares of all those so-called “progressives” who whined about how Al Gore was a “corporatist.”
Unintended consequences are a bitch.
It took decades to get the court in a conservative mode and now they right is taking advantage of what they have put in place. They will use the court to dismantle as much of what we call America as possible. WEALTH RULES!
That’s what Marie Antoinette thought as well.
I read a lot of history of the labor movement, and it was one of great struggle, violence, and perseverance. The wealthy owners absolutely did not want their workers to unionize and they were willing to use every ounce of power they had, including government influence and the media, to make sure it didn’t.
It’s amazing to me to see that, less than 100 years later, it’s all slowly being eroded away.
TIme to sharpen up those pitchforks.
Bush’s appointees to this court were chosen because of their willingness to do nothing else but break the backs of the middle and working class and feed the unending, deep, rank guts of the corporations.
This SCOTUS is coming up with more and more rulings based on ideology, not logic or lawful precedence. if this Harris person has a problem with paying the fee then she /he shouldn’t be entitled to all the benefits that comes along with it!!
Dumbya’s Ah-lee-toe…
The Koch Brotherfication of America is almost complete. Meet the new bosses. Not like the old bosses.
Interesting that the son of Italian immigrants is poised to destroy the unions that took his ancestors out poverty and oppression.
I voted for Nader in 2000. Worst decision I ever made.
In the Orwellian world of corporate fascism, the absence of unions is called “right to work.” Arbeit macht frei.
Well, just like the OLD bosses, before we stood up for ourselves and the robber barons ruled the roost.
Well, true to Republican principles, he’s got his and everyone else can eat cake.
More Nader-bashing.
LEARN how the process works, people.
If you were not in a swing state, your vote, whether for Nader or not, had no effect whatsoever, and NEVER DOES.
If you ARE in a swing state, in 2000, your vote didn’t count anyway even if you voted for Nader unless you voted IN FLORIDA.
And if you DID vote in Florida in 2000 AND voted for Nader, your vote had little-to-nothing to do with the outcome because GORE WON. (This last part has nothing to do with the electoral process, because the outcome had nothing to do with the electoral process).
Every time I hear some nitwit complain that my vote for Nader in NY State “put Bush in the White House” I want to smack them for being so ignorant… except they always say it via the net.
(Gore won NY… learn something dammit.)
Al Gore was just a crappy campaigner; he didn’t even carry his home state!
Also control of the White House changes party hands every 8 years, which is not coincidental.
Yes, Gore did run a crappy campaign. Why Donna Brazielle is treated like the second coming for losing has always been one of the universes little mysteries to me.
However…“control of the White House changes party hands every 8 years”…this is going to be very bad news for FDR.
Just as interesting as the case of Clarence Thomas.