Discussion: The Real Reason Scott Walker Won In Iowa: He Gets Elected Without Caving To Democrats

Discussion for article #232562

Sounds like he’d be a shoo-in for President of Iowa.


Sounds like Democrats in Wisconsin and elsewhere need to figure out how to win over those Obama-Walker voters.


What makes him attractive to that crowd is that he’s the same sort of empty-headed and useful idiot that George W. Bush was.


Oh God, two years of this crap!


Won in Iowa AND ??? Folks now a days, Winning in Iowa MEANS NOTHING, for whatever reason. Didn’t he lose in something in his own state and isn’t he under investigation or some sort problems with the law…going back to the office he held. Out side Iowa and WI, it’s a BIG F’g world, WE can’t wait to get to it with SCOTT bring-it SCOTT…the Democrats are waiting for YA’S…Many of us are UNION MEMBERS.


“…aggressive conservatism…”

Most people call it blatant lying.


Sorry, I couldn’t make it through the first 4 paragraphs of Scott Walker felatio to get to whatever the effing point of this article was.


Valid points, but looking at the 2012 map, it’s hard to see how holding his conservative line will buy him enough Obama states to get to 270.


I know the feeling, but look on the bright side, the picture shows Walker on stage thumbs up with a Steve King summit sign behind him. I say nice picture Walker!

He is still a crook…


This is the thug I really fear, especially knowing that his masters The Koch Brothers will spend a billion dollars to put him in the White House.


One has to consider what the “prize” of “winning in Iowa” actually means (not much, by many standards, and a predictor of nothing for the future, as history attests) and the competitive cast of characters (why wouldn’t he win when he was up against some of the usual - and some of the most unusual - goof balls). So, if you can be a bit more than “not boring,” can toe the party line and not screw up too much, if you can fog a mirror, you can win. Mission Accomplished, Scotty!!

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Serving up folly to fools, as far as I can see. What do fools love more than folly?


Walker won because of a bizarre genetic condition afflicting Democrats all over the country. This affliction erupts only in those electoral years between Presidential elections, and renders Democrats who had been able to vote just two years earlier mysteriously incapable of getting off the couch, getting into their cars, driving to their local polling place, and casting a vote for a Democratic candidate for governor, U.S. Senate, or U.S. Congress.

In 2008, for example, 1,677,211 Wisconsin Democrats managed the task of getting to their polling place to vote for Barack Obama. Just two years later in 2010, over 672,000 Wisconsin Democrats were suddenly frozen into immobility, and only 1,004,303 of them voted for Dem candidate Tom Barrett, who lost to Scott Walker and his 1,128,941 votes. The Dem drop-off from 2008 to 2010 was 40%.

Fast forward two years to 2012, and the strange affliction goes into remission, and 1,620,985 Democratic voters rouse themselves from their stupor of two years earlier, enabling President Obama to easily capture Wisconsin’s electoral votes.

Then, just two years later, the midterm disease erupts again, and just 1,122,913 Democrats cast a vote for Mary Burke, which means over 498,000 Democratic voters from 2012 were laid low in 2014, enabling a comfortable Walker re-election. The Dem drop-off was over 30% from 2012.

Naturally, Democratic scientists all over the country have been studying the phenomenon for several years, and a variety of theories have been put forward to explain the condition. However, no antidote has been developed as of 2015.


I’d love to see him try that “confrontational conservatism” idea national! Walker would double down and never hear how it is not resonating, and go down in flames. Just my prediction, so who knows?

I doubt there are many Obama/Walker voters. The problem is getting Obama voters to vote in more non-presidential elections, as well as the nationals.

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Relax Walker will never be president! EVER!

The problem is that I can very clearly remember many, many Democrats strenuously making the same statement in 1980. And I have even more vivid memories of scores of Democrats making the same assertion in 2000.

Never underestimate the unfathomable stupidity of the American electorate.


Scooter runs in non presidential years, so there’s that.Wisconsin drifts right in those years and left otherwise.