Why is it when Trump tweets “Good Morning, Have A Great Day!”, all I hear is “Fuck you Haters and Losers” ?
If that odious bumblefuck would stroke out, I’d have a great day.
What have you given away to North Korea this time?
President fuckface tweeted
Call me nuts, but I’m thinking he didn’t.
( insert obligatory disclaimer about being unfair to carbon-based life here)
I see nothing but a healthy head of hair.
Good Morning, Have A Great Day!
— Donald J. Trump (@realDonaldTrump) March 24, 2019
Found another Russian bot account.
But would a staffer tweet something so weirdly irrelevant?
The sophisticated use of the comma is what nails it for me.
He’s been known to put out some lame tweets, but this? Someone’s told him to make it look like business as usual, but this is not usual.
Ah. Well, that’s the way to do it. Like Lester Freamon says, “All the pieces matter.”
Doesn’t this moron have anything better to do, like take in a Presidential Daily Briefing or something?
My own theory is they told him that he really should tweet something, his fans love it so and were becoming forlorn, and he snarled at them, “You want me to tweet something? You want me to fuckin’ tweet something? (type type type) There! I tweeted something! You happy now?” And they let it go at that. I’m going further out on a limb to say he doesn’t seem happy this weekend.
Presidential Daily what now? I get the impression everyone’s just given up on that kind of thing.
Lester Smooth don’t be wrong too often
No, not often. Never saw a TV show where sheer thinking was such a constant theme. Someone narrows their eyes and its DING DING DING MAJOR PLOT DEVELOPMENT ALERT.
LOL. When the bifocals go up, someone’s going down!
And he told McNulty exactly how it was going to go in their first conversation, and what was it, the next season, there he is in uniform on that silly little boat.
(I’ve deleted my comment instantly as it was out of line with acceptable comments. Just couldn’t bring myself to be reasonable about this.)