Discussion for article #222779
Notably, Hensarling signaled opposition to anything that might bring one Hispanic (not named "Marco Rubio") into the Republican Party. "I don't see the need for it," he said on conservative radio host Laura Ingraham's show. "The good news is I don't see it going anywhere."
(edited for accuracy)
It would be interesting if this came up for a vote. We could see congressmen who never did military service for this country vote against citizenship for those who have. Oh wait, not even citizenship: permanent residency. Sheesh. Somehow I don’t think this would get the GOP a whole lot of Hispanic votes.
This bill is basic decency - no wonder it would be controversial for this morally-challenged party. It should be a no-brainer.
Which is why it’ll never come to the floor. That would create a boatload of soundbites from Hensalring, Steve King, Marsha Blackburn and any other Teahadist mouth-breather that the D-Trip could use to beat Republicans into the ground and (maybe) take back the House.
We already give a fast track to citizenship for foreigners who serve in the military. I also have to wonder if they will force the military to take just any noncitizen into the military without passing the tests and physical normally required. During the Iraq war the Bush administration already forced the military to accept people with criminal histories because not enough people were signing up.
Of course, they know that none of their children will be forced to serve in any branch of the military. Always good at making rules for everyone else except themselves.
Mesa (Arizona) Police Sergeant Brandon Mendoza, 32, was killed Tuesday by a drunk diver who was here illegally (sorry, he was undocumented). Officer Mendoza was a 13-year veteran of the Mesa Police Department. The driver who killed Mendoza died in the crash and no longer eligible for amnesty.