Hmm how many sanctuary cities are there Mikey in your Indiana? I haven’t heard of any in ND or MT either, so where’s your beef?
Do you really want to take on O-care in states those states? Have you checked on the health of their hospitals, their populations?
What I really want to know is how much finger wagging will there be?
Yeah ND and MT are just overwhelmed with all the undocumented people flooding into the state. All 2 or 3 of them.
Sadly, the less diverse a region, the more successful the attacks on “the others” can be. They have no personal experience to contradict the hate and will readily believe that, “THEY TOOK R JOBS!”
On the plus side, Pence is not popular in Indiana. He was a pretty awful governor who hurt our state, so go ahead and make that ad. It’s more likely to goose the opposition.
To be attacked by Pence is to be attacked by a16 year old white toy poodle with no teeth and a bad cough.
I thought unemployment was quite low in Indiana. What jobs are those?
“Be afraid of all brown people! Very, very afraid! Also SOCALISM!” Amiright with the message you’ll be sending Mikey? Maybe you can get Dana Loesch to do a cameo…
With so many farmers in these states and two of them bordering our northern neighbor, Democrats are hardly at a loss addressing bread and butter issues for these people, many of them senseless problems created by this maladministration for which this demographic disproportionately voted.
The opening salvo of Pence for President ads as Trump is pulled screaming and kicking from the Whitehouse.
Is he going to warn of abortion on demand, the gay agenda, and removal of guns?
and faded qualms.
Jesus himself used to go on TV to attack the scribes and pharisees with the most foul language. If Pence preaches a good hateful sermon, he might pick up two or three haters who are not already committed to the Trump dead end.
Plus it shores up his claim of not being the witch who wrote the NY Times piece. I still want to see him thrown into the water to see if he floats.
Pence would make a great opening act for a cadaver.
Great news for Dems as Pence was not well liked as governor and has only gone down in popularity being so close to Spanky’s crazy White House. We grow soybeans here…just saying!
‘Toadies for Trump UNITE!!!’ Nail those nasty Liberals that are trying to save the country! You’re out to get yours and screw the rest!
Why, all the good jobs of course! Everybody knows that.
Pence to star in 3 attack ads to run after midnight so they will not put you to sleep, or give your stomach time to settle down.
Getting ready to run against Donald?
“No more Mr. Nice Guy !”