Discussion: The List Of Participants In Russian Lawyer Meeting Just Keeps Growing

If it thickens anymore, we’re going to need a knife just to cut through it. Oh, and some galoshes because of the level of BS being spewed by the Trump klan and their enablers.


What good would a Russian spy be if she can’t speak English…other than your afore mentioned "goods?’ There was no need for a translator. Treason and bribery are an universal language. The other Russians present were there because Putin told them to be there.

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Good googely moogely. At this rate, I expect it to be revealed that meeting participants included hair gropenfuhrur’s entire family including all ex-wives, Rinse Penis, the whole of the GOP’s congressional leadership and Assange and that Putin Skyped in for a real-time hacking demonstration wherein which the infamous risotto email was discussed.

These people are incredibly freaking incompetent on so many levels.


John Miller/Barron has always been a Man of Mystery. He knew about the meeting, alright, but probably was too busy watching “Morning Joe” and begged off. Besides, there were those documents which would tell all and seal the “deal.”


The Moscow ballet were flown into to offer entertainment.


A source familiar with the sit-down told CNN that at least two other people, who were not named, were in attendance.

Roger Stone?

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Okay, we’ve got DJTJR, Manafort, Babyface, Fatboy, Natasha, Boris and a translator. I vote Rocky and Bullwinkle as the final two. Assuming, that is, it’s only two more. Do we count Putin if he was only listening in through those “tapps”?

I guess DJTJR has one thought about his answer when Hannity asked, “Is that everything?” and he said there was nothing else. That thought would be, “I guess I might have done things differently.” Let’s see how Kellyanne tries to spin this.

Perhaps he attended via iPhone?

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I’m guessing it was the world’s best egg salad sandwich recipe.

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One more just for luck…


For a little whiff of optimism, Google “Eric Schneiderman”.

Then look up whether POTUS can pardon state crimes.


Rupert Murdoch? Ailes? Hannity? McConnell?

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The Professor and Mary Ann?


The latest is that some of the attendees walked into the meeting without going through any kind of security. There are only two possible explanations for this: 1) the Trump campaign was run by incompetent fools 2) they didn’t want the names of those participating to appear on any kind of list. Which do you think it is?


Country and Western.


Maybe Dana of CA, our Russophile. As a member of Congress he could get through security. (@marby)

It gets worser and worser. Worse than worse, not yet worst.


Next squirt from the hose will be that it wasn’t a meeting at all. It was a convention!


I made that point earlier too; can’t help thinking that Kate McKinnon’s portrayal of Sessions as Forrest Gump may have been more spot on than any of us realized at the time.

He was one of Trump’s longest, closest supporters. .


To be considered a traitor his/her country has to be at war with the country they are colluding with. Learned this the other day on MSNBC.

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