Being Mexican isn’t a “smear.” Trump smeared Judge Curiel as being biased and unobjective.
Sweet justice.
“The Judge Trump Smeared As ‘A Mexican’ Will Preside Over DACA Deportation Suit.”
Curiel’s assignment to the case was coincidental, the publication reported, as judges are selected based on a rotating schedule.
And the clerk who is responsible for assigning those cases totally did not chuckle heartily as she totally did not shuffle a few cases around to ensure Judge Curiel’s name would just happen to come up totally randomly on the rotating schedule. heh heh heh
Shit, man. Ever since Russia annexed Karma, things have been shot to hell.
Will he even remember Curiel’s name?
I think he, Gorsuch, looks like Herman Munster.
This should lead to a nice racist tweet storm from Shitgibbon. And then, in four years, a Democratic president can appoint Curiel to SCOTUS as Shitgibbon rots in prison. A guy can hope eh?
See Donald told you he was Mexican, this proves Donald right!
Also gotta love the ICE argument that he left the country without permission because they forcibly removed him.
The sad thing about this case is that the best outcome to be hoped for is he gets to stay a couple years. The goons who violated his rights and ignored basic procedural safeguards will be dong the same thing over and over to other people.
Soon enough, being a registered Democrat or having ever ruled against the Trump regime will be automatic grounds for being blocked from ruling on Government/ Trump Org cases (these being one and the same, and increasingly numerous.) That will ensure a properly respectful attitude among the remaining eligible judges.
flights of fancy like this are what get me through most news days.
So that that German bastard thinks this judge is a Mexican, does he?
Yes, even though I knew what they meant, I was taken aback by the awkward headline.