Discussion: The Internet Is Furious At Gawker For Helping Gay Porn Star Blackmail Tim Geithner's Brother

Discussion for article #238513

Gawker is a cesspool. And that this appeared on Gawker, or that Gawker was in some way tied to the story, should shock no one. And the story here is that a man wanted to cheat on his wife, an act that should primarily concern his wife .


Start checking out everyone working for Gawker! You are right about it being a cesspool. Remove the lid.


What a bizarre story. Why even involve HUD, let alone trying to get others to pressure HUD into helping? Why wouldn’t he have just hired a lawyer? I mean, I don’t think there are any protections for gay people in Texas, but unless his lease said he couldn’t be a gay porn star, then he wouldn’t be able to evict the guy. I’m sure there’s more to this story, but if it was covered over at Gawker, I’d never know because I’d never read that piece of trash story.

I really can’t wait until the day when the only reason this would be a story would solely be the cheating aspect and not the gay aspect. Not that I think cheaters should be outed, unless they’re hypocrites about it by denouncing other cheaters. But at least that’s wrongdoing.

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I saw that last night while reading Jezebel. I felt dirty after reading it. The only good thing was that the comments are about 98% negative.


As I grow older and older
And totter to the tomb
I find that I care less and less
Who goes to bed with whom.

– Dorothy L. Sayers


There seems to be huge Gawker vs. Reddit thing and this just falls right into it.

This man isn’t a public figure, most have never heard of him even if he’s related to a public figure. He didn’t use his influence politically to help the prostitute. He doesn’t seem to be a guy that pushes an anti-LBGT message so there isn’t even the outing a hypocrite thing going on.

This is just crap.

ETA: Gawker commenters promplty outed the blackmailer, too. Because it’s interesting his privacy, as an escort, was what need to be kept secret.


i saw that hit piece last night and didn’t bother to read more than the first three graphs. what a despicable thing to do to geithner. this is between him and his wife; and to so publicly and shamelessly exploit that betrayal is a sign of what a ruthless shithole gawker editorial offices are. but then they did get the clicks out of it; and considering the drastic drop-off in reader numbers, they must be high-fiving each other this morning over the traffic this piece has brought. no worries, though, i suspect within a couple of days, the downward spiral will continue.



Why is this story ‘gay shaming’ and not ‘whoremonger shaming’?

It is bizarre. HUD over a landlord dispute?
And did I read that the “gay prostitute/porn star” sought help from Ted Cruz? The rabidly homophobic senator that’s running for president? That Ted Cruz? And he didn’t help the gay porn star? Imagine.


Because the guy (if it was even him, he denies it) might be in an open relationship, etc., we do not know what their relationship is at home and it’s not my business. He backed out of the deal, to, after paying, so he might have just been tempted. I could care less who he sleeps with, I’m not his wife. And if his wife and children didn’t know, finding out this way is cruel and vicious so that all your neighbors and friends can titter over it.

And the escort made a crazy demand and then basically blackmailed him. And Gawker helped facilitate that and protected the crazy ass escort who didn’t want to damage his own reputation. Too late, I doubt the outed escort will be pulling in the $700 an hour he used to make.


OK, fair enough.

Today’s activity list so far:
-Learn about article
-Get disgusted, want to join the hate train against Gawker
-Realize the hate train is already full of awful Gamergate trolls with their own beef w/ Gawker
-Decide to stay off the internet for a while


Don’t go to the featured article comments. Go to the “All Comments” section. The top rated ones (by far) and biggest discussions are all very much unhappy with this. This is also the top item of discussion on unrelated items on their sister sites.

If the people that doxxed him are right, the escort is less then credible. His escort page is is very NSFW but that goes without saying. His real FB page lists himself as a former MMA & adult film industry guy. And it’s all fire and brimstone for sodomites & Obama is the anti-Christ weird stuff. I don’t think Gawker went with the most credible source here.

Really? A gay escort sought help from the office of Senator Ted Cruz, who then attempted to help said openly gay escort fight against HUD, but to no avail? Hmmmm… now how do we know this complete and utter horseshit?


Yep. That was the big news item in this otherwise despicable piece.

Oh, Ted. You’re a bad boy.

I’ve been on the internet all day, and haven’t seen an eruption yet. I guess I just don’t frequent the --cough-- right sites.

Why is absolutely everyone who does porn referred to as a star?

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I honestly wonder how many gay prostitutes are in the same boat as pot dealers. Now that society is becoming more accepting of gay people and legalizing weed, entire black markets are being watered down or eliminated. Particularly for any gay prostitutes who are into blackmailing clients. Even if they still get customers, things are becoming a lot less lucrative; which is an unintended consequence I suspect many of them still haven’t fully grasped.

Obviously you don’t visit porn sites, or you’d know there are plenty of amateurs. …or so I’ve heard.

And the difference is whether you make a living at it, versus just starting out. And what’s the alternative? Calling them porn actors? You really haven’t seen porn if you think they can act. …or so I’ve heard.