Tell ICE’s jack-booted thugs what you think!
Already in place. Good old boy, middle-class hero Joe Biden made sure of that as point man for the Republicans and credit card industry with The Bankruptcy Abuse Prevention and Consumer Protection Act, passed in 2005.
Just a reminder.
I will bet all of my meager life savings that Republicans are not trying to throw an election and lose the majority in Congress.
They’re proposing these things because this is what their fascist base wants.
Lack of data, absence of rational analysis and sound logic have never been a barrier to the GOP’s support for unsound, inhumane legislation.
And they have the audacity to call themselves devout Christians?
I’m not sure many GOP members of Congress have really thought this through. The attack ads for legalizing baby prisons literally write themselves. Then again, this is the Party of Trump now so I really shouldn’t be surprised.
A loss that’s a Win-Win…
Ted Cruz next step is to provide entertainment. Put ten asylum seekers in an arena and the one who survives gets citizenship. Tickets would sell like hotcakes. It would be more popular than the Hunger Games. Most people never thought that movie would become real…but tRump.
Leave aside for a moment how repellant this policy is. How the hell to these morons plan to pay for it? Detaining families for the entirety of the asylum application process will cost billions, just as president idiot pushes another huge tax giveaway for the rich. My god Republicans are stupid.
There is also no evidence to support his claim that the Flores protection “serves to attract more people here illegally,” or that repealing it would, according to Sen. Lindsey Graham (R-SC), “deter some people from bringing their children here.”
This is what is so stunning about the current GOP argument – it has zero factual basis. It’s just that they are smart enough in most cases to not blurt out that they want a white country, or some sort of apartheid with a brown underclass.
Absolutely. ICE is behaving more and more like a terrorist organization every single day. Their role model in cruelty seems to be Boko Haram.
X 1000!!!
The absence of rational analysis and sound logic is the entire basis of Republican ideology.
Americans must become more comfortable with calling fascism “fascism.” Failing to call it what it is and saying exactly why weakens our conversations. It’s like calling “lies” “misleading and incomplete statements.” Godwin says he didn’t mean you shouldn’t refer to actual Nazis as Nazis!
Separating families without plans to reunify them is in the tradition of concentration camps. It’s past time to get straight to the point: Fascists have some real power in America now. They are trying for more. Trump and his immediate subordinates are fascists and fascist-sympathetic.
“I oppose Trump fascism.” See how easy it is to say? Let’s hear it in campaigns this fall. It’ll help prepare the ground for campaign 2020.
Why aren’t Democrats led by Schumer and Pelosi and Obama demanding a Russian travel ban? If nothing else it will galvanize the base and bring attention to trump’s Muslim (one ostracized religion) ban that flies in direct opposition to “religious freedom” and instead is just like the Taliban.
Why are democrats so spineless in times that calls for hard ball politics?
The US was attached by Russin in 2016 - it was an act of war. We must have a Russian travel ban and ICE must be ordered to round up all Russians and put them in camps or if they lack papers, deport them back to Moscow. Come on MAGAats…defend America.
Time to add a new line to “The New Colossus” inscribed on the Statue of Liberty.
“Give me your tired, your poor,
Your huddled masses yearning to breathe free,
The wretched refuse of your teeming shore.
Send these, the homeless, tempest-tost to me,
I lift my lamp beside the golden door…
so’s we can lock’em up in prison
and throw away the key!”
When the Trump administration tried to make that claim in federal court, in their motion to overturn Flores, U.S. District Judge Dolly Gee disputed it in strong terms.
“Defendants’ reasoning suffers from the ‘logical fallacy of post hoc, ergo propter hoc.’ Literally, ‘after this, therefore because of this,’” she said. It is much more likely, she added, that the recent uptick in Central American migration is caused by “civil strife, economic degradation, and fear of death in the migrants’ home countries.” Additionally, she ruled that the evidence the administration cited “failed to show that detaining families would deter future illegal border crossings.”
Gee when a judge named Dolly gets it why can’t the GOP?
Remember when back in the day when Republicans carped over a US agency spending what $50 on coffee and danish at a conference?
If the Republicans want’ family interment camps then I propose that they and they families will be the first residents. That will will get some of the Congresscritters off their office couches and into the reality that they created.
The biggest long-term threat to US social stability is wealth inequality. Four-fifths of the population now live hand to mouth while the other fifth makes out like bandits. The Gini coefficient may by over .50 at this point, although other measures put it in the mid-.40s range. In any case, a score above .40 usually puts people in the street rioting. Vladimir Mau, Putin’s economic adviser, has long noted that when wealth inequality gets too high, you either need elaborate social conditioning (train the poor to blame themselves for poor “choices”) or really good crowd control. The US increasingly is opting for crowd control, something like one-sixth of all black men in the country have been swept up by the prison-industrial complex. Nobody benefits from an impoverished underclass. The US economic model over the past century has assumed a consumer class wealthy enough to buy stuff (or at least get credit to buy stuff).
There are a lotta GOPers who want in on this epic breaking of the 8th amendment to the Constitution. A whole lot of the actual participants should be in jail for child abuse.
I imagine at some point even the rubes will see solving phony problems does nothing good for them. Might make their malignant souls feel good but nothing material in their lives will come of it. Locking up might make a sick soul feel good but it isn’t going to get the soul bearer a job or a better paycheck. Voting to “defend the Second Amendment” , an amendment that’s under no threat, might make fat slob feel macho but it won’t get his family healthcare or a mortgage. And someone lusting to shoot someone might just “stand their ground” against him. You can legalize bigotry with religious freedom scams but in time the religious wing nuts are going to use the same methods to get alcohol, porn, working on Sunday and any form of non-procreative sex banned too. Fucking with gays is gonna suck if means you have to give up that Bud Lite. Keeping Black folks from voting might give Bubba a big white hard on but in time the method will used against him as soon as he decides to think for himself.
So far I’ve not see phony pay for itself. Fixing Saddam’s involvement in 911 hasn’t made my life better. And it killed 1000’s of young Americans. Axing the ACA and its abominable death panels didn’t help my employees get insurance. Tax cuts didn’t seem to pay for themselves but did put funding for good stuff in a bind.
I don’t care how sound a sleeper you are. Something’s gonna wake you up.
If ever there was someone deserving of public humiliation it is donald j trump.