Discussion: The GOP's New 2016 Website Mocks 'Poor Hillary Clinton'

Discussion for article #225317

Dumb^sses at the RNC have no clue what The Karma Bank™
has in store for them-- following yet another foolish withdrawal.



I would say that the GOP has concern trolling down to a science, but they don’t believe in science. Hmm.


With all the criticism of the President’s alleged slow response time by these clowns, this anti-HRC website seems a month or more late to the meme. If the GOP holds true to form, the alleged ‘jokes’ on the web site are sure to be the height of 2nd grade playground humor…


Po Bitch ain’t got no car elevators.

That’s how you know she po.


Low hanging fruit. There are boneheaded quotes all down the line from both sides of the aisle. The issue is: do you support the general goals and policy of the person and their party?


Maybe they can run a clip of Lynne Cheney crowing about how her family wasn’t poor in 2000, when Darth was choosing himself to run for VP and making a fortune from Halliburton and planning the invasion of Iraq.


Hillary is so poor her cars have to take the service elevator.


This is a winner. They should go all in on this one. Because, if there’s anything the GOP wants to keep bringing up, it’s wealth disparity. Worked for Mittens.


If Hillary Clinton is the democratic nominee which it looks like she will be and if democrats turnout in 2016 for her it don’t matter what the republicans say. Democrats will be whistling it is a hard knock life for republicans. LOL.enter preformatted text here

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Why couldn’t Hillary just inherit her wealth like all real Americans do? At the very least she could have made her money by working hard to bankrupt companies and exploiting off-shore bank accounts. Right, Republicans? Repeal the Estate Tax for liberty and stuff!!!

Seriously, I would be more concerned about the right’s gish gallop politicking if I thought it would do more than cause debilitating cognitive dissonance among their base.


Reince got promoted to 2nd grade??

Ha! You can smell the desperation of the GOP. Why are they expending all this effort now, if they aren’t absolutely scared to death of a Hillary campaign? One that doesn’t even exist yet!

I mean, where are the anti-Martin O’Malley websites? I’ve not heard Rinsed Penis mention his name once.

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The children are having a tantrum .

And here’s the thing. The GOP is so fucking tone-deaf that they want to believe their own propaganda at the expense of understanding reality. It’s not wealth in and of itself that Americans resent - it’s having a wealthy class that actively fights lower classes and works for policies that increase wealth disparity that they resent. Until the GOP figures that out (and I ain’t holding my breath), they’ll continue with these lame feckless attacks that one after the other fall flat and appeal only the small core of the already-converted.


Ohhh, I get it! So we should all vote for a real plain-folks man of the people. A beer-drinking regular guy, such as…

Willard “Swiss Mitt” “Money Boo Boo” Romney.


if we are rich, what are you, if we are rich, what are you.

R eally
N oxious
C oncern trolls

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BREAKING: Mitt Responds to Hillary money woes. “Borrow money if you have to from your parents.”

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sorta like republicons rage’in against bill clinton about monica lewinski yet they were doin the same thing or worse …aint that right gingrich.vitter,craig

Chuck Todd is a donkey’s ass. No insult intended to donkeys.

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