Discussion: The Four Biggest 2016 GOP Dodges On Gay Marriage

Not going to satisfy the loony base. They will have to promise to try to get rid of it like health care.


Because they are not socially conscious. Or to put it another way, ā€œIā€™ve got mine, screw the rest of you.ā€


I gotta admit, I love this question thatā€™s being asked of the candidates. Not policy positions or states rights or constitutional blah blah blah, but ā€œWould you attend a gay wedding of a loved one?ā€

Itā€™s a great question because they only have two possible responses ā€“ either say they wouldnā€™t attend and reveal their personal awfulness (you canā€™t really call somebody your ā€œloved oneā€ if you canā€™t be happy for them on whatā€™s supposed to be one of the happiest occasions in their life!) or else say they would attend and show their total hypocrisy (sure, for somebody I like Iā€™d want to support their wedding, but Iā€™d still deny it for everybody else!).

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We donā€™t want him, either.

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Which, oddly, makes Santorum the only non-hypocrite.

Religion is a priori hypocritical.

Except for Santorum- a ā€œTrue Believerā€, these dopes are all reading from a script they feel they need to memorize for their low-information, reactionary, right wing christian base voters. Itā€™s repellant. Still, after the Supreme Court decides in favor of Marriage Equality, it will all be over but the shouting, and most voters will see them as on the wrong side of history and equality.

Except when it comes to abortion. Because of his wifeā€™s perilous health while pregnant, they had the doctor ā€œdeliverā€ a 20 week fetus! Thatā€™s about a whole month earlier than any viable preemie has ever been recorded, so it was blatantly a ā€œlate-term abortion to save the life of the motherā€! Iā€™m glad they did it. Iā€™m glad their other four children have a living mother, but it was a late-term ABORTION, yet the feckless fact-free media will never call him on it. They would be drowned in shame by the rest of the press and the public for ā€œpicking on a defenseless woman who lost her BABY!ā€ of course. Sickies, all of 'em!

Is it just me, or does this question seem as shallow as their responses? It gives them a perceived ā€œoutā€ by saying they can ā€œlove the sinner but hate the sin.ā€ That is irrelevant. We have the right to expect more from our leaders than the timid hope that they might deign to attend an event hosted by someone with whom they have a connection. What should that have to do with policy?

They can ā€œfeelā€ however they want about gays, gay marriage, slaves, abortion, or any other topic, but that doesnā€™t give them license to legislate in a way that takes away rights that are established under the constitution.

Also, I read about one of our esteemed SCOTUS (canā€™t remember which, but I think it was Alito) opining about the brief time in history that this issue has been on the table, and so making a decision so precipitously would be wrong for the court. I wish someone had shot back that if people had realized earlier that slavery was abhorrent, would it make that realization any less just? Really, this guy thinks like people I debated with in 5th grade!!!

ā€œWell, Iā€™m not a sex scientistā€¦ā€

How are they dodging the question about Gay Marriage? I think they all answered that they oppose gay marriage and believe the marriage is between a man and a woman, so I donā€™t see how they dodged the question.

When asked if they would attended a Gay Marriage all except Santorum and Cruz(wasnā€™t asked) said they would, so how did the dodge the question?