Speaking of HHS cuts:
Trump administration suddenly pulls plug on teen pregnancy programs
and more:
I hate these people. I hate these people. I hate these people.
They’re heartless, cruel and evil to the core.
So, these funds will work basically like donations to Republican State Committees for political purposes. I feel much better now.
"It’s just mind boggling, when you have a system that’s working but you’re ripping it out to do this.”
They are monsters -cruel, evil, wicked.
Call your Senators and try to stop this bill!
They are going to punish New York, California, Washington state, where I live in Delaware, and any other blue state that doesn’t play ball (which they won’t). It’s payback for expanding Medicaid and taking federal money while red states didn’t even though they could.
I suspect it could work, too, as McConnell and Trump will hand out goodies with blue state money (like they always do) to secure their votes. It’s basically health care pork.
Republicans really love regulations. It represents control by the elite.
Having ĂĽber-grifter Tom Price decide is a great idea. As an orthopedic physician he can describe their suffering in medical terms.
AKA “small government.”
As always …
You can FAX senators for free (up to 5/day) from your smartphone or computer.
No ads/gimmicks/sign-up. Numbers provided. Yada yada.
A healthcare hot line that sends you direct to the senator you are targeting…catch…you have to know a zip in their district…you know yours otgers are easy enough to get @ senate.gov.
They are going to punish New York, California, Washington state, where I live in Delaware, and any other blue state
That may be a side benefit, but that’s not what this is about at all. It’s not targeting blue states. It’s targeting red states. Going forward, citizens in red states will have the choice of continuing to vote GOP or losing their healthcare.
The only real exception to this trend is a carve out obviously designed for Alaska—home to Sen. Lisa Murkowski (R-AK), one of the toughest votes for the GOP to win—that guarantees the state will annually receive 1 percent of the long-term stability funds.
So Alaska, with fewer than a million people, or .2 percent of the US population will get 1% of the funds.
This Bill looks like the Republican philosophy writ large, i.e., What’s in it for me?
Trump: My rich supporters are suffering the most with ObamaCare taxes. They must get their money back with interest.
Yeah this is going help this piece of shit get passed.
Might. Think about it.
Unfortunately, at least as far as health care is concern, that train will have left the station should this despicable bill, or anything like it pass. Face facts, Repuglicans are bound and determined to screw everyone but their wealthy buddies and supporters. The really don’t give a shit about the people who voted for them, or anyone else for that matter.
I did not read this article as the bill targeting red states - can you pls elaborate? I would love to be wrong.
My takeaway was that the HHS will have the flexibility to give more monies to red states, so the Repub base is less impacted, and will continue to vote Repub, thereby perpetuating this crap. And we all know what at POS Price is - no compassion there.
Meanwhile the reliably blue states will get less funding & people will really suffer, but the Repubs dont care about their votes anyway.
They do inspire hate, dont they?
Just when I thought republicans couldn’t become more corrupt and partisan, they come up with a new wrinkle. Now they want to create a legislative precedent for partisan distribution of federal funds. Federal program funds then become a tool for blackmailing states that is available to the administration.
There’s always been a bit of this sort of thing, particularly in terms of how congress allocates advantages, but does anyone remember anything quite so naked and blatant being provided to a president?
I did not read this article as the bill targeting red states - can you pls elaborate?
How about this as the 2018 GOP re-election ad:
Vote for me. If my (D) opponent wins, the federal government will take away your healthcare.
Governorship ad: Vote R. If the state elects a Democrat for guv, we all lose our healthcare.
Clear enough?