Discussion: The Bundy Brigade's Hodge Podge Of Hard-Right, Anti-Government Ideas

Discussion for article #244368


Vigilantism is quite self serving. The Bundys are vigilantes and believe whatever serves them at the moment. They cherry pick from a long list of crazy and half baked nonsense that passes for what they evidently believe is a ‘vision’ for this country. They cling to some fantasy of what America “truly is” but, in reality, never was: Some Norman Rockwell painting of a white, privileged, comfortable and all powerful class where women are subservient and at home, where any minority “knows its place” and stays there quivering in the corner, where gay men and women live in fear and stay in the closet, where their specific vision of some Skygod is the only acceptable belief system, and where they, the privileged and entitled White Man, control every facet of life around them. It’s a thin tissue of lies and ridiculous wants and a list of desires that boils down to a feeling, a fear, that they aren’t in complete control any longer.


Two words: “epistemic closure”.

Conservative media, Mr. Sanchez wrote at juliansanchez.com — referring to outlets like Fox News and National Review and to talk-show stars like Rush Limbaugh, Mark R. Levin and Glenn Beck — have “become worryingly untethered from reality as the impetus to satisfy the demand for red meat overtakes any motivation to report accurately.” (Mr. Sanchez said he probably fished “epistemic closure” out of his subconscious from an undergraduate course in philosophy, where it has a technical meaning in the realm of logic.)

NYTimes from 2010: http://www.nytimes.com/2010/04/28/books/28conserv.html?_r=0


The Endangered Species Act is a United Nations conspiracy to control the land and take over the world in the process. Seriously, they believe it


No fair confronting them with their own inconvenient truths.


It boils down to a feeling of greed. They aren’t greedy because they are fearful, they are fearful because they are greedy. They are against everybody else because they want it all given to them and are fearful because somehow other people don’t go for that.


some believe that the federal government’s failure to bring criminal charges against the Bundys after that standoff --or even collect the $1 million they owe in grazing fees – further emboldened the movement.”

I’m one of those who believe that.


Who of us really knows what we believe? We think we know, but as Don Rumsfeld said, there are known unknowns, and unknowns, and what we believe may be either one. Or neither.


Norman Rockwell?


The Bundy domestic terrorist gang believe in Trump and the Republicans
but other than that meaning flooding America with guns and gun violence they don’t know what that means! Guns are all that matters to Trump and Republicans and their high school drop-out supporters!

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Their leader Ammon Bundy is so anti-government, he availed himself of $560,000 in SBA loans. His pappy Cliven was expected to pay about $1.50 a head to graze on our public land while private landowners charge $20, and even that bargain isn’t good enough – he wants to go full-on welfare and graze for free. And if that land is returned to its “original owners” it won’t be white ranchers, it’ll be they Paiutes.

So fuck no, the Bundys haven’t the first clue that they believe, save baseless punk ass right wing white entitlement.


Le secret des grandes fortunes sans cause apparente est un crime
oubliĂ©, parce qu’ il a Ă©tĂ© proprement fait.
(The secret of great wealth with no obvious source is some forgotten crime, forgotten because it was done properly.) – Balzac

Most Americans are not fluent in economics, but I bet 90% of us, including our hapless YeeHawdists, would say “Amen” to this French realist’s assessment of getting ahead. Which makes it all the sadder is that fame, fortune and formal education have eluded these poor guys all their lives. One has to wonder if they ever could pull off any crime properly.


Agree, have seen this personally. I am retired, 36 years with a federal Agriculture - Environmental agency. If we tried to work with a landowner who violated environmental laws our efforts would get interpreted as it was easy to make us back off and the word would get around quickly. What I never understood, was that the violation actually hurt their personal economic interests and had negative impacts off site to neighbors and everyone “downstream”. They just thought they could do whatever they wanted with their land - even if it has lasting negative impacts for the rest of us.


Resistance is futile

just wondering if they think ‘fair use’ of public lands would include my right to ride my horse or 4x4 or motorcycle thru these lands and shoot the fucking cows that get in the way


They don’t “believe” things–they “know” things (about “the Negro,” land rights, etc)


Is the Bundy domestic terrorist group another example of Obama being afraid to step up and act and to uphold the laws of the land against whites?

Obama’s recent gun control measures are another example of his spineless leadership
afraid to do the right thing because whites won’t like (white NRA racists among others). Everyone knows that prohibiting AK-47 and assault rifles and any semi-automatic weapon will prevent almost all mass shootings in the US. If Obama really wants to stop another Newtown from happening, we need to get the semi-auotmatics off the streets and fast!

afraid to solve our healthcare system problems by implementing a single payer system.

afraid to shut down Gitmo.

afraid to raise the minimum wage to keep pace with inflation.

afraid to reverse wealth concentration by actually getting the rich to pay. During Obama, the effective tax rate on the 1% dropped from 19% to an all time low of 17.2%.

Bernie 2016

Please kick these misfits off the stage
No more publicity for the cheating progeny of the cliven cheater
They have not a clue what they believe and I no longer give a rats what they say 
Send them back to the Arizona hovel

Shut them down 
no more coverage!

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Equating these people with Norman Rockwell gives them far too much credit. Rockwell’s view of America might have been through very heavily tinted rose-colored glasses, but at least he was looking at slices of reality. The world the Bundy’s occupy is the fantasy world of John Ford. They literally see themselves as John Wayne, single-handedly taming the Wild West.


Yeah, I still do not get why the elder Bundy is not in jail or lost everything to pay the debt. Courts have ordered him to pay but he refuses and then threatens to fight enforcement with guns. It is very illegal. I get not wanting to have a blood bath. But that does not explain why a few FBI agents or something could just go there and pick him up or something like that with no fanfare.

It just makes these guys think they are above the law. And apparently the government is alright with it because they are juts using the first amendment and the second together? And they are white