Discussion: The Backstory Behind The Group Trump Quotes In His Anti-Muslim Stance

Has anyone seen where Gaffney hangs his hat? Is it a shipping container, better to block those pesky radio waves from reading his mind, or a cardboard box for portability?

Are there pictures of the two of them in the same room?

probably not in my lifetime — Both are extremely anti-muslim … just for different ideological reasons —

I’ll adjust my snark-o-meter —

The hate spewing from the likes of Gaffney, Trump, Trump’s staff, his supporters, and far too many others is every bit as dangerous, hateful, and poisonous as that coming from ISIL, al Qaeda, and any of the other extreme Jihadist groups in the world. It is unworthy of a “Great America,” it is profoundly damaging to any efforts to rid the world of these extremist groups, and could very well become a major contribution toward the demise of the U.S and the struggle for freedom and democracy worldwide. Victory over extremist Jihadism cannot be achieved by declaring all Muslims to be “undesirables” and not welcome. The followers of Islam number 1.6 billion, or 22.32% of the world population. There is no way we can defeat the extremist factions of Jihadist terrorism that threaten world peace unless we can make peace with the vast majority of the world’s Muslims who wish nothing more than we: to live in peace, to pursue their faith and happiness, and to thrive in the only world we have. Shunning the better part of 1.6 billion of the Earth’s inhabitants is no path to that goal.


I Love It!
"“until we are able to determine and understand this problem and the dangerous threat it poses, our country cannot be the victims of horrendous attacks by people that believe only in Jihad.”
However people who believe in ANYTHING ELSE but jihad are still welcome to continue the age old American tradition of horrendous attacks against their fellow American’s be they man, woman or child. The more horrendous the better as far as American networks, politicians and gun dealers are concerned. Blood in the streets is money in the bank for these parasites.

’ Think-tank ’ as in the name . They are f’ing dangerous through thinking too much .

The only Sharia that is a real danger to the US is Republican Sharia.

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All this shit Trump is saying is exactly what the people that like him think and say. The others candidates think these things too, but won’t say them in public because they know they will lose the middle of the road voters if they do.

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"the hatred is beyond comprehension"

So is the projection by Trump.

Frank Gaffney barely believes his own bullshit, it is so outrageous and yet he hates on and fears on.
That the Repub contenders are forced to cave to such lunacy just to retain the loon voters is the proof in the pudding that the GOP is no longer a true contender for the title of POTUS.

There is big money in Faux hate, a careers worth for the likes of Gaffney and Geller. It’s an awful world to live in but the hate bucks sooth the pain, I guess?

Trump breezily retweets Nazi agitprop. Why are we surprised he has embraced Gaffney?

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They ‘read’ but without comprehension.

Trump’s too toxic for the CPS???

I assumed that when Trump said, “the hatred is beyond comprehension”, he was talking about his own supporters. Most Americans? A majority of the GOP? Who?

“Yerushalmi”? Doesn’t sound American. Might be a muslim. Best not to take any chances. Lock him up.

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Frank Gafney…a sad pathetic hate-monger. Trump alliance with this group reveals even further just how seriously despotic Trump and his supporter truly are.