Discussion: 'That's Going To Be Special': Coats Reacts Live To News Of Trump's Putin Invite

She knows the Dotard all too well, it would seem. No wonder the Daily News caught him looking over her shoulder to see who she was voting for. What an assclown.


Submitted without comment (photo embedded).


with the follow up question - The advice and consent of the senate is supposed to weed out unfit nominations, yet you approved putins choices. why?


Geo, here are the companies represented in this suckme fest. The usual suspects, every one of 'em.

And fuck the auto companies that Obama saved and Fat Nixon is destroying with his tariffs.


Oh, indeed, it’s the only rock we can cling to in this time of storms. It’s got spikes on it, and burns your hands, of course.


WTF is all I can say. I never imagined we would see a full-blown NoKo here in America, and Fuckface is full of Jong-un envy. And those companies are happily going along. WTF.


Re Devine – yep, that was the first thing that got my attention.

Here are some threads by HW bringing back and putting together our memories.

Thread One:

Thread Two:

A single tweet.

cc: @chelsea530


Yeah, and knowing what we know now, is there any compelling reason we should believe his SCOTUS nominees are NOT Putin’s picks?

Everything, EVERYTHING, is traitorous…


You should stop. You’re terrible at it.

Posting this piece, I’m out. Hopefully tomorrow will be a good day… :persevere:

34 years ago, a KGB defector chillingly predicted modern America


Moscow West, more gold leaf please.


Except Vlad apparently.

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Good googly moogly…is that a baby bump under the Pee dress?

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Trump respects no one without power over him. If you support him, you are a toady. If you don’t, you are an enemy.

Normally you would quit but here the calculation is whether anyone else could be more effect with him to which the answer seems to be no and whether he would replace you with someone far worse to which the answer seems to be quite probably.


This may serve as the inspiration for a spin off of the Man in the High Castle

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Coats looks genuinely surprised, watching his gestures and body language is entertaining…

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What’s so funny about the debacle of the Trump dynasty, Dan? Most amusIng n terms of your responsibility, which is…oh I don’t know…could it be…NATIONAL SECURITY? Why are you working for this dangerous ignorant buffoon?

There are occasions in history where some statements are simply so eloquent and fitting that they require no further explanation.
“That’s going to be special” ought to go down in history, along with “Veni, vidi, vici” and “Open Fire!” for simple words that grant absolute clarity of insight to the speaker’s thinking at the moment they are spoken.
The Great Orange Pretender has already had two hours to give away the American candy store to his new frat brother and fellow despot Putin.
What does President Frankenputz propose to do at their next meeting? Gift wrap the box, with a nice Red bow for the Russsian New Year celebration?

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Vampires are like that.

Hmmm. Maybe he and Trump agreed to this in advance in order to encourage the US Congress to continue to surrender…

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