Discussion: Texas Sheriff' Deputy Shot 'Execution-Style' In Gas Station Ambush

I would need more info on the suspect and his apparent motives, and on the victim and his record as a police officer, before concluding that this had anything to do with police misconduct, or that this cop “earned” what happened to him.


So senseless and stupid.

Exactly, what an ignorant comment that was. We at this point have no idea of the shooters motive, who he is, etc. For all we know this guy might have been a criminal who was busted by this cop and was looking for revenge, etc. We have also had white Alex Jones types kill cops, and I’m guessing they did not do that because they were upset about Walter Scott.


There must’ve been a good guy with a gun there somewhere …

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Well, just stick around. There’s plenty of guns out there, and many more coming.

Sorry for your loss.


NOW is NOT the time to talk about gun laws!

Of course, this happened in Texas, where it will NEVER be time to talk about the scourge of gun violence, but trust me, we will be exhorted to PRAY from every elected official as our only recourse to violence, death, and the insanity of guns.


We’ll never ever run out of buzzwords, will we?.. lol

Of course, the thing is there’s no evidence that stocking more machetes at Home Depot will increase the murder rate.

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For strength. Fixes are fantasy.

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god bless the 2nd amendment.

We already have…several times. The Americans lost the debate.

[quote=“ThunderclapNewman, post:21, topic:25570”]
I fear that Americans are too cowardly to deal with this…[/quote]


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The discussions go something like this:

Citizens: Gun control, now!
Congress: No.


I loathe that this happened here, where I’ve lived for the past 36yrs.
Houston, for being the 4th largest U.S. metropolis-- isn’t necessarily known to be an overly-violent place.
Over the years, it has generally been one of the calmer places IMO regarding racial strife when tensions have run high nationally.

The area where this occurred in NW Houston has a broad mix of ethnicities-- and to me this act has no bearing on any actions by the slain Harris County Deputy Darren Goforth. Harris County Constables IMO do not have a reputation for brutality, nor prone to violence.

Due to the incredible sprawl/size of the metro-Houston area-- and the size in numbers of LEOs in the Sheriff’s Department-- I would be very surprised if the shooter knew or had interacted with this particular deputy prior to the shooting. I consider the odds to be very long in fact.

There is to be a press conference right about now by the Sheriff’s Department regarding arrest of the suspect.


POSTSCRIPT From The Houston Chronicle:
“A 30-year-old Cypress man has been charged with capital murder in the Friday killing of a 47-year-old Harris County Sheriff’s Officer.
The suspect has been identified as Shannon J. Miles, who has been arrested at least six other times, twice for using force against an officer.
The suspect is believed to be a dark-complexioned man about 5 feet 10 to 6 feet tall, wearing a white T-shirt and red shorts. He is believed to be between 20 and 25 years old.”

(NOTE: I realize the ages are contradictory-- but that’s what was released in the local paper. jw1)

More extensive details available here:


You’re sounding rather illiberal today. Also, don’t karmic returns apply to individuals who deserve it rather than uninvolved individuals who may share a particular group identity?


Rush, is that you?


Call me “Mr. Jones”, because there’s something happening here, and I don’t know what it is.

Peace to Deputy Goforth, his family, friends and colleagues. Peace also to the shooter’s family through their troubles to come.


It’s never too late. Guns wear out pretty easily if not cared for.

I started to type Only in Texas could the authorities have “a suspect in custody responsible for” a crime, until the obvious struck me, that police authorities everywhere almost invariably consider any suspect they have in custody as the person who committed the crime, pending only another suspect they think is ‘more’ responsible,

So as much as I’d like to give into an impulse to note, Texas, right? or That’s the South for you, and officials mangling catchphrases, I really think this falls under the Micheal Kinsley definition of what constitutes a “gaffe”, and applies to American policing autthorities generally, and hardly just in the U.S. at that.

No fair, you are making sense.

The majority already accept it. They accepted in the decades before and they will accepted this ‘station’ with a partial grimace as well. The highlighted term is just defined differently now.

That would require compromise and discussion.

Agree. Not sure if this had anything to do with white cracker cops shooting unarmed black men on a regular basis but, if it did, it should be a wake-up call to all cops everywhere to examine what they’ve wrought and start looking over their shoulder.

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