Discussion for article #232963
Horrible, horrible story, but I don’t think the police were negligent in their handling of the case. They brought the guy in and questioned him, he BS’ed his way through it, and they let him go. As long as guns are everywhere in our society, this kind of shit is going to keep happening. And yeah, he could have hit her with an iron bar, etc. etc., but guns just make it too damn easy.
some people have a damned good reason to own a handgun for self-defense, and this is one case where the victim should have armed herself. A firearm in the house is dangerous, but if I lived in a bad neighborhood or I knew someone was stalking me, yeah I’d have a handgun.
My sister went through this exact same thing (except the murder part at the end) with the San Marcos (TX) police. Slashed tires, stalking, death threats etc. The police did the same thing, the ex did the same thing. It only ended when he threatened her with a gun on campus and was expelled and told coming on campus would be grounds for trespassing charges. He left and went to another college (he was a grad student). There were charges placed against him, by the campus, because the police wouldn’t listen to my sister. Felony terroristic threats. The prosecutor cut a deal with him and he got deferred adjudication (sp?). He once told my sister (as the threats got worse) he liked dating undergrads because they were too young to know any better. He is currently teaching biology at a Tier 2 university in Texas (I was informed by the police that identifying him publicly would violate the plea agreement with the prosecutor, which neither I nor my sister were party to, and I could be charged).
Police departments, in general, don’t seem to care about this sort of thing.
apparently Alcee Hastings is right… Texas thinks its OK to tell women how many and what size dildos they can keep but men are free to own as many phallic substitutes as needed in order to keep their significant others in line…
police can’t help unless there is enough violence for someone to actually be killed…
…the law requires “a certain level of violence" for police to make an arrest
Texas law nails it again.
Sadly, this young woman joins the 48 American women who are shot to death each month by their former or current intimate partner.
This tragic story underscores the need to reform our domestic violence and gun safety laws so that it is easier to obtain a restraining order (RO) and easier to remove firearms from those under a domestic violence RO.
It likely wouldn’t have made a difference. Lots of women own guns, yet how often do we read about a women successfully using a gun to defend herself against an ex who’s attacking her?
I’d rather have a chance than no chance. People do defend themselves using firearms, if you don’t read about it then you’re not paying attention.
“Certain level of violence” ??
Terroristic threats and slashing someones tires (and admitting it in an interview w/police) is not enough?
At the very least he admitted to damage of property (in Texas nothing is more sacrosanct than someones PROPERTY.) He should have been arrested for that alone.
More of the Texas “Good Old Boy” attitude that "boys will be boys and it’s the bitches fault for not “taking care of her man”.
an example of “successful” in that at least she’s not dead:
So you assume that she was already experienced in how to use a gun. And that the best response to a threat is to shoot it out. From the perspective of some individuals, this may be the best option. (For some, e.g., poor shooters, blind people, etc., it is not.) But from a societal perspective, it is nuts.
yep we cant help your young lady unless he seriously mame’s or kills you…when either of these things happen let us know and we will be there in full force to arrest you for bothering us with your constant whineing
Reminder: there are no laws in TX for owning a gun. There are a few restrictions on conceal/carry - but owning one is an open door. When the police are too effing lazy- then people get killed. They will never learn until some of their loved ones start dying. Perhaps then they will give a damn.
This sounds like the level of competence only displayed by a Teabagger,
Anyone else read the headline and immediately think “George Zimmerman?”?
Really? If that Police Department can be “BS’d” like that it needs an overhaul. There were red flags all over the place here and as we say in the USA " the proof is in the pudding". She’s dead dude. She told the cops he was going to hurt her. He then killed her. The asshole cited her fear of death by him when being interviewed by the cops. They mutually dismissed it and then he did it.
The Police seem to be taking the position that arresting this asshole was their only option and they did not have the goods to make that arrest. They had other options and chose not to employ them.
Did you note ANY threat to police law n order? No? Then: not a police matter.
Did you see the telltale brownish tinge to the skin involved? No? Then, no police interest in banging the crap outta him.
It was a white guy with some chick involved with him, past for sure and maybe present, and in Texas that means he gets to off her. He doesn’t necessarily get to get away with it, which is why it makes sense he then offed himself because as a patriotic Texan he was being sensitive to the state determination towards budgetary and fiscal conservation.
“Jose Calderon” was a white guy?
…thou shalt have 6 dildos, no more, no less. Six shall be the number of dildos thou shalt have, and the number of the dildos shall be 6. Seven dildos thou shalt not have, neither dildos numbering 5, excepting that thou then proceed to 6. Eight is right out…