Discussion: Texas GOPers Vote To Debate Secession At State Convention

Cool! Secede and lets us just see that Texican guy who thinks he’s gonna be President try to get elected… If Texas secedes before November then there’s no way Cruz can be POTUS. Just.no.way. Period.

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If we exclude Texas, I think the wall gets more expensive because it gets a lot longer, unless they were planning to build it around the Gulf of Mexico as well. I haven’t been able to locate the details on this.

I say don’t let the door hit you on the ass on the way out!! Though the Austin music scene would be a big loss…

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New Orleans and Miami are both doomed. They will both be underwater not too far in the future.


Let’s build that fence on the state’s northern border…and hurry up about it!


We can dream, can’t we?


Let them secede if they agree to pay their portion of the country deficit, build a wall between Texas and the rest of the country and then, we drop heavy tariffs on everything they want to export to America. And when Mexico reclaims their territory and invades, we ally ourselves with Mexico.


We can give Texas to China.

Get rid of the rednecked assholes and cancel the national debt.

I call that a twofer!


Beautiful. Thanks for sharing.

16 years too late!

Could gladly live without.

As I said up thread …can Cruz be president if the state he is a citizen of secedes?

A number of posters have alluded to the practical difficulties of a state seceding, even if it’s amicable (pretty much an oxymoron, that). We should start a thread where we all toss things that occur to each of us into the mix. For instance, all U.S. military personnel would have to be relocated or else be classified as deserters. All flights to and from the seceding state would become international flights, requiring passengers to carry passports and pass through customs. The seceding state would have to assume its share of the national debt (although arguably, the seceding state should also get a payout of its share of national assets – and you though alimony was hard to negotiate).

You could do this all day.


Re: Texas flag.
Snopes says “nope”.

Ok but no foreign aid for those crazy fuckers.

Lolol, excellent thought!

If I was a right winger, then I’d have the emotional intelligence of a pre-schooler, and I’d be bitter too. Bitter that reality never seems to give wingers a break, even though they are, you know, righteous. So I’d threaten to take my ball and go home pouting, or as they call it in Texas, secession talk.

Right wingers = mental midgets with the emotional maturity of a child.


Just so they take Cruz with them.


This may not be 1860, but secession is still nothing less than a direct assault on the Constitution. Allowing a state, any state to secede is nothing less than the complete end of the United States as a country. Any declaration of independence by Texas can only be a declaration of war upon the United States.


Please tell us they have packed and are ready to leave. The suspense is killing me. Oh, right. They are just threatening to leave. Would never give up all those federal funds.