Discussion: Texas Congressman 'Disappointed' Cruz Stole Spotlight From Trump

Pete Session via TPM:

I think that Mr. Trump offered in good taste to give Ted Cruz primetime discussion, and I don’t know Mr. Cruz responded in kind.

Sorry, Pete, that’s a contradiction in terms. You can’t use the words Mr. Trump and good taste in the same sentence.

Unless good taste is preceded by lack of or absence of.


Who was the idiot that decided that it was a good idea to let Ted Cruz speak at the RNC?. Lying Ted is a well known backstabbing rattlesnake, and he was even before Trump humiliated him and insulted his wife. Did they think that he was gong to be awed by Trump’s personality?

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You say idiot; I say campaign-sabotaging genius.

The Editors at The Poor Man Institute once wrote, a few years back, “C’mon, people, these rats aren’t gonna fuck themselves.”

Well, I think that’s exactly what we’re seeing now: the rat-fuckers are finally fucking themselves.

Alt. Headline: GOP Delegates Stunned, Enraged By Uncribbed Speech

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Has Sessions never met Cruz?

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