Shouldn’t he be spending his time on his criminal defense?
Crazy Texan sees handwriting on the wall.
“overseas North Carolina”?
I’m pretty sure North Carolina is within the continental United States…
Show us your pee pee papers!
These sickos fight like rabid dogs for the most disgusting causes: restricting voting rights, sexual discrimination, destroying the separation of church and state.
Anyone enabling them knows EXACTLY what they are voting for. Fact.
Interesting that he didn’t ask the judge in Texas to put his decision on hold. The Texas decision came after the NC decision.
Well that’s part of HO’s jobs program, restroom attendants.
I swear to god, these guys put more time, thought, effort, and worry into who’s using which shitter than anyone I’ve ever met in real life.
They don’t need a court hold, they need a fucking psychiatrist.
These nasty little pukes. They want to DISCRIMINATE as long as they can until forced by the evil guvmint to comply. Disgusting aholes. I am truly sick and tired of them pretending to be ‘Americans’.
It is across the Mississippi River from Texas. Perhaps that’s the “sea” in question.
$50 says Paxton just aches to know what Tad, the office bottled water delivery guy, does in his spare time.
Not that there’s anything wrong with that.
Our judicial system is infested with christian conservative crooks, bigots and folks who want to destroy our individual freedoms and impose their awful values on everyone.
The Supreme Court under John Roberts has become an extension of the Republican party and a sucker for the Koch Brothers.
Roberts in his infamous conservative wisdom has argued that receiving suitcases of money, vacations, Lamborghinis and Rolexes is not bribery if you are a christian Governor, that racism is over, that money is free speech, that there is no need to protect voting rights… The list goes on.
I once met a guy who was freaked out about the fact that the kindergarten bathrooms for boys and girls at the local elementary school had entrances within a few feet of each other, so that if a kid didn’t get completely reclothed before coming out of the bathroom another kid might See Something. Why yes, his kid was in a couple of the school’s programs for dealing with emotional issues.
I really don’t see the rationale for putting the ruling in one state on hold because it might look bad for other states, but that’s just me. There’s really no plausible emergency.
In other news, Texas’s war on women is finally paying dividends in much higher body counts. A woman’s chance of dying as a consequence of pregnancy in Texas are TEN times worse than they are in world leaders Iceland, Finland, Greece, and Poland. Yes, ten times higher than bankrupt Greece! They are in the same class as Iran as far as pregnancy deaths. But of course, this does not affect rich, wealthy women, only the poorer ones.
From 2000 to the end of 2010, Texas’s estimated maternal mortality rate hovered between 17.7 and 18.6 per 100,000 births. But after 2010, that rate had leaped to 33 deaths per 100,000, and in 2014 it was 35.8. Between 2010 and 2014, more than 600 women died for reasons related to their pregnancies.
No other state saw a comparable increase.
Being as you mentioned crazy and Texas, I thought I’d post this:
If you’re Norwegian or happen to spend a lot of time around Norwegians, then this fact that absolutely blew our minds might not be news to you, but apparently the word “Texas” is slang for “crazy” or “wild,” as in, “the end of the [whatever sport they play in Norway] game was totally Texas!”
As a Norwegian, I found this very amusing.
Dear Other states,
Stay in your lanes. NC will take care of the Gov. and then the laws. Remember, we’re in the 4th circuit. We don’t need you!
Yeah, uniformed and armed with burp guns.