Discussion: Texas A&M Prof Fails Entire Class For Cheating, 'Ridiculous' Behavior

Discussion for article #235748

If half of what this professor says is true, then he has terrible classroom management, and should never be allowed in front of a classroom again. Especially a class teaching management, which he clearly would never be able to do in the private sector. Even if most of what he says is true, and it might be, it is mostly his fault it got that way. The class attitude reflects the teacher. I have never, ever had that sort of behavior in my classroom. When someone starts to manifest that attitude, I take care of it right away so it doesn’t spread. You know, like a good manager does.

And again, even if what he said is true, a blanket failure is extremely inappropriate and unprofessional. Surely there was one student diligently working in the corner for that A. There always is. The university is going to have to do something about this guy.

I guess he is a fan of my favorite management slogan: “The beatings will continue until morale improves”.


You don’t understand. The students are Aggies.


There must have been some Maggies involved as well …

¨Cmon, prof, we weren’t cheating, we were just doing field work in modern American business ethics!¨


I didn’t graduate from A&M, but got a couple of certifications there, and it wouldn’t surprise me if the prof was spot on with his evaluation … don’t forget indictment-prone alumni Rick Perry.


From the TV report:

John Shaw is a senior and worried this would mess up the job he has lined up when he graduates in May.

One wonders if Mr. Shaw was one of the cheaters, since if he was concerned with widespread cheating and disrespect he doesn’t express that concern, only his job prospect.

Sounds like Prof. Horwitz had a breakdown, but he probably didn’t have it in a vacuum. If I were the school, I be giving that bunch a really hard look. If I were Mr. Shaw’s future employer, I’d be having a second look too. A person who potentially cheated and bullied at school is likely to do the same in future employment. If this young man is pure as the driven snow, then I apologize. Prof. Horwitz clearly let things get out of hand, but the students are not innocent in this by any means, and they’re old enough to know better.


Total. Burnout.

(When was his last sabbatical?)

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YES - appears that Prof. Horwitz clearly let things get out of hand,
YES - Sounds like Prof. Horwitz had a breakdown

  • would bet that if questioned - he could not name every student …and could definitely not cite & substantiate the individual offense of each student that he proposed to flunk.

More substantive details here - the professor has failed to be a competent ‘teacher’ and it is hard to imagine how his behavior would be tolerated ant any respectable university. He had a melt down, threw a hissy fit, and walked out - quit - refusing to perform his job…


Texas A&M

RickdinglePerry’s alma tomater…
Rick thought that ‘D-Day’ referred to the day his grades were posted.

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How can we possibly know? Until I have a little more information I wouldn’t feel confident making any judgment about the behavior of the students. For all we know it could have been only standard (annoying) stuff and the professor just snapped.

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How the hell do you know anything about Shaw? Giant jump there.

Backstabbing and cheating in a Strategic Management Class?
Sound like these students are destined to work for the Koch Brothers and/or the Republican Party of Texas.


Texas A&M Galveston. Very different than College Station and I’m no Aggie fan. That adjunct professor will need a new job in the fall.

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You know who else deserves a failing grade: His barber.

I am shocked…shocked! to hear that there is cheating backstabbing bullying and skullduggery among business school students.


Possible, but the U assigning security to the class was interesting.

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“Horwitz accused the students of backstabbing and cheating, and said they lack maturity.”

isn’t that more or less the whole point of the subject matter? I’d say they all deserve an “A”, because it’s clear they have fully absorbed the lessons the class sought to teach.

on a more serious note, I’d say this prof. has some emotional “issues” he needs to work out, before he tries to enter a classroom, as an instructor again.

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That was Texas A&M College Station, this was Texas A&M Galveston. Confusing the two is like confusing UCLA with UC Merced

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