You know, before Chiselin’ Trump became president, I always had a quick-and-easy answer to the question Who has the most punchable face? Of course, the answer was Ted Cruz. But now, after Chiselin’ Trump has brought so many of his administration appointments out from their former dark hiding places, I find that question much more difficult to answer. It’s not that there isn’t an abundance of eligible candidates (Gorka and Stephen Miller quickly come to mind). It’s just that there are far too many to single one of them out as most punchable.
Hungarian press say he’s a fraud.
"Bartus sums up the Hungarian opinion of Gorka: “Then the unanimous opinion was that this man is a fortune hunter and a conman, who wriggles his way in everywhere, where he convinces everybody of his extraordinary expertise, when actually the only thing he is an expert on is extremist incitement. This picture of him among those who knew him in Budapest has not changed since.” Bartus is not surprised that Trump and Gorka found each other since “birds of a feather flock together.”
Don’t that pasty face, skewed squinting eyes, and triangulated muff of pretentious whiskers remind you of the Soviet Politburo circa 1930? Trump appears to be dragooning the ghosts of early 20th century totalitarianism to fill the vacancies in federal offices no honest citizen of the present century would want to occupy his government.
It is “Pistols for Two and Coffee for One”