Yes the pretend Christians have been up in arms about sex week since day one. Then they are the same geniuses who tell elementary and middle school children that they should “Don’t Say Gay”, believing that gays and others they despise will magically disappear. Least we forget bathrooms are also on the menu.
Got it, last summer they spent $46,000 to redesign the state logo that appears on letterhead and web pages, etc. The winner was a design that moved a blue bar from the right side to the bottom, I kid you not. By the way they could not get a copyright on the redesign, so the money was spent for zero action. The design team, friends of the gov.
"Puritanism: The haunting fear that someone, somewhere, may be happy." ___ H.L. Mencken
#Conservative Christians: The less you know, the more you believe.
Fear and loathing in America. So proud. So proud.
Emphasis mine.
This comment did not go where I thought it was going based on all the comments about sex week. TPM, see what you’ve done to me here?
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