Discussion for article #235339
I live in East TN and would have been very surprised if they did not, the land of “Don’t Speak Gay”. Mr. Smirk wants it both ways, “I am against” but I’ll let it become law because I’ll not sign it…
Next stop, Republic of Gilead.
Rocky top refers to theTennessee House legislators.
“The Bible is the word God, it’s a whole a whole different level.”
Yes, but the I Ching was already chosen as the official Tennessee word of God in the times of Hermes Trismegistus, so the Bible has to settle for “official book.”
Will the designation include the Tijuana Bible, the version favored by most christians and almost all hillbillies?
ARRRRGGGHHHH!!! Enough already. Fucking pushing your religion on everyone. How is this any different than forced conversion?
I could be down with this law if it designates the LOLcat Bible as the official version. “En Ceiling Cat rided invisible bike awl te way te Chattanooga! Woot!”
“The dog and the cat are state symbols and nobody in Tennessee is required to purchase a dog or a cat,” the Republican said.
The difference, and it is a big one, is that the Constitution does not forbid an establishment of pets.
I guess “The Satanic Coloring Book” didn’t make the cut.
so what if they want to make the Bible the Tennessee State Book of Fiction?
Quick, float another unconstitutional law so we can exhaust the Medicaid surplus!
Wait, are they going to file it under “comic” or “fiction”?
I’m glad to see that they are so open minded and internationally oriented in Tennessee that they choose a non-American book, written and compiled some 1700-3200 years ago in the Mideast, originally in Hebrew, Aramaic, and Greek, and canonized by a committee of clerics around 400 CE.
Honestly, that looks pretty un-American to me.
Never try to have a rational argument with a fundamentalist Christian. When your entire worldview is predicated upon a book full of logical fallacies, then the belief in such logical fallacies becomes the norm.
“Pilgrim’s Progress is a book, To Kill a Mockingbird is a book,” said Rep. Patsy Hazlewood, R-Signal Mountain. “The Bible is the word God, it’s a whole a whole different level.”
Patsy sounds like the reincarnation of Foster Brooks.
From the people who brought you the Scopes Monkey Trial and π = 3.
Tennessee: Making Mississippi look good
Otherwise known as the Confederacy of Dunces.
Also on the House docket is a bill establishing a new State motto: “If you’re not a Christian you should shut yourself up in a closed garage with a running automobile”. Little opposition is expected.
And nothing bad ever then came to pass in Tennessee ever again. The End.