Discussion: Tenn. GOPer Barred Interns From Legis. Receptions After Rep's Texting Scandal

Tenn Rep: "I have a suggestion. Can we get the cell numbers of the interns? Maybe with a photo?

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Ah, the “Family Values” Party once again shows it true colors.


Have your legislator spayed or neutered


Billy Jim Bob’s gotta be asking Ronnie Bubba Ray whose bright idea it was to elect us that woman Speaker.


How about setting up an ethics committee to make recommendations and prepare the full legislature to take up forcing a lawmaker to resign from office should they engage in provable misconduct? Should be applied equally to either party followed by a vote of the full legislature, don’t ya think? They did that in Michigan with Gamrat and Courser. Oh, and make sure you pass a law that once a legislator is forced out of office in the State House, they can never again run for any similar office as a Representative or Senator.

So, when you get fired from a job, you don’t get to come back and get your job back, no matter how you manage to finagle it.

This guy resigned from being a Majority Whip, but is still in office. Where’s the sense in that?


What’s the point of being a legislative intern if you can’t meet and greet the rich and powerful?

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Seems most common sense people already had their antennas up regarding Republicans and their sex problems.

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I rather see a photo of the ‘harassers’ with their cell mate
 or at least the very least, a mug shot.

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Hah! Ajay you win the Internet today! Now that’s damn funny!

Sadly, expect that headline over at Fox and Drudge in 5-4-3-2-1!

Am I the only one that thinks this is sort of a stupid, and possibly unfair solution?

It reminds me of the people that try to change dress codes for women so that men are less tempted to harass them.

I’ve never done a legislative internship, but I imagine they are either unpaid or very low pay. While it is great to have on a resume, the ability to network and meet people is also a huge benefit. So now they are saying, “our elected members are too horny for you to come to our events, so just stay in your office and do your work, interact with as few people as possible.”

Not giving out cell phone info is probably just good advice to begin with though.


House Speaker Beth Harwell Âź:

At the conclusion of this review, the members will go through sexual harassment training.

Clearly Harwell is a RINO. Sexual harassment training is for libtards. Real Republicans know how to sexually harass people without any training at all.


And let’s not forget the Washingtonienne!

Ya know, Democrats can yammer all day about the details of the insane policy stances, ridiculous ideology, and gargantuan hypocrisy of today’s Republican Party officeholders.

Or Democrats can just point out that Republicans are so fucking creepy that their own party officials are warning interns to stay away.


Hell, what’s the point of being a Republican politician if you can’t meet and grope the weak and powerless?


Its all due to free Viagra offering in Obamacare.

So, like the Taliban, the ruling body can’t seem to be able to convince their dirty old men control themselves so the burden falls on the (potential) victims to solve the problem.

Perhaps the speaker should just issue burkas.

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2 x 4 upside the head maybe?

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Give the poor guy a break 
 at least they’re not related 
just a run of the mill predator

“If any personnel have suggestions for improvement

Well, how about if TN voters stop electing creepy assholes?


Regarder les Chrétiens

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