Discussion: Teen Pregnancy Rate Lower In 2010 Than Pre- Roe V. Wade (CHART)

Discussion for article #222451

“Teen Pregnancy Rate Lower Than Pre-Roe”

…except in Wasilla, Alaska


Except in ant state that teaches abstinance only.


Amazing what access to Healthcare, Education, and Birth control will do…With the exception of the red states , of course!


Yesterday, I was reading comments on CNN re: the Supreme Court decision which brought out the folks saying more bad things are happening (including tornados and the like) because we’ve offended God with our immorality, citing such things as our soaring abortion rate.

I pointed out that the abortion rate has been on the decrease for many, many years, but you know, it’s like raging against the tide- people will believe what they want to believe, the facts be damned.


In a logical universe pro-life people would be leading proponents of birth-control.


That is a shocking rate of decline in pregnancies and birth rates. Especially shocking is the change over the last few years. Why would the rates go down 15% over the last couple of years? What has changed in that time?

What has changed in that time? More anal and oral sex. A rise in incidents of STD’s in the region of the mouth, throat and anus.

Another fine example of the media creating a narrative that facts and reality do not back up. Here in Canada, our Conservatives are currently trying (and so far failing, which makes me even more proud to be Canadian) to create the same narrative - that families are falling apart, immigrants are taking over the country, voter fraud is rampant, and crime is increasing… when the reality is that the opposite of every single one of those claims are the actual truth. We’re actually more under threat if we don’t start bringing in more immigrants - thanks to our massive oil reserves we’re currently being hit with both a skilled labor shortage AND a demographics bomb.

I’m not as sure of American crime and social stats, but I’m pretty certain the same holds true for you guys - our societies, minus the whole guns fetish, are very similar… and I know that the media is creating a narrative that says otherwise.

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Actually, what has a lot to with the decline in recent years is a couple of reality TV shows, 16 & Pregnant and Teen Mom. While the shows focus mainly on the relationship drama, they show these girls mostly living terrible lives. Both shows also have websites where teens can look up information about different types of birth control, how to use a condom correctly, etc. Young women are still having sex, they’re just protecting themselves now.


Can we continue the false correlation and give the credit to Beyonce?

According to this article a significant reason is MTV. Really.


None of this really matters to the Teabaggers. The real question is prayer. If the kids just pray to Jeezus. they’ll stop fucking; Right now.


Thanks – I had forgotten the article about the TV shows. I take back everything bad I thought about MTV.

Perhaps teens no longer want to stoop as low as a Kardashian

I’d imagine the same thing that’s caused such a turnaround with things like gay marriage and marijuana legalization - a society finally starting to grow up, and that society is also starting to drag the South (kicking and screaming) along with it.

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Thanks for posting the link. It seems easy to dismiss the idea that a reality show could have that kind of effect but a recent study showed that the teen birthrate have been reduced by 6% as a direct result of those shows.

I’d imagine the same thing that’s caused such a turnaround with things like gay marriage and marijuana legalization - a society finally starting to grow up

That’s a good point. It’s incredibly childish to put young people at risk of ruining their lives (and their kids lives) in order to enforce some moral code. In the end, teens are still going to have sex, they might as well do so without destroying their lives.


I thought it was because flyover states were closing the incest loophole.

Republicans will simply claim that this proves that their policies are working.

But Bill O’Reilly will still blame Beyoncé for teen pregnancy and claim that it is soaring.