Discussion: Teen Dupes New York Magazine Into Reporting He Made Millions On The Stock Market

Discussion for article #231241

Pressler’s reporting began to unravel, however, when other news outlets looked into the teen’s tale.

Hmm. Mighta’ shoulda’ done what others did-- before publishing?



His parents should forgive him. The kid did the world a service by helping to expose the MSM’s total willingness to uncritically spew falsehoods and bullshit in the name of sensationalism. Journalism’s coma continues…


Alt super-sensational headline: ISLAM LIES!!


Journalism…ne of a few professions where one needs no qualifications whatsoever…


Knew that story was BS the moment I saw it.

if I lie about it and don’t own up to it then they can no longer trust me

Tell that to Jamie Dimon…

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Why would any reasonable adult think a high schooler was a multimillionaire? Especially, why would a reporter buy that the “rumor” was true? How much inherited wealth did he start with? What were his best and worst performing stocks? Why did he have all his money in a bank account instead of in investments–did he cash out everything? There is no reason to think this was anything but Enquirer -style sensationalism, now spoiled by the student’s confession, not any effort by the magazine or its “reporter.”

Mohammed confesses to lying to the faithful (Peace be upon him)

Kind of puts that story about a messiah being born to a virgin in a whole other light, doesn’t it?

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This only makes it that much harder for teens that actually do make $72 million in the stock market. Islam has destroyed his credibility and theirs. Shame.


“Our fact-checking process was obviously inadequate…”

Obviously that’s the case, but the primary cause of this cluster is that your reporter is a gullible fucking idiot who doesn’t have the brains to stack cheese in a grocery store.


When I saw the story yesterday, I had not even a shred of doubt that it was b.s. The claim was simply mathematically impossible.

While the subject is far more trivial, this is even more embarrassing for the “profession” of “journalism” than the Rolling Stone piece. After all, rapes do happen on campuses (and may well have happened to the alleged victim despite the details she mis-remembered) and determining the truth in such cases is hard. But no one makes $72 million trading stocks starting from nothing in a few years. No one. Such a claim could have been debunked in 5 minutes by a reporter for the Stuyvesant High School newspaper, let alone an actual professional.


I have to admit that I doubted the truth of it too, but went ahead and posted the quote below, because Islam and his pals had a goal of being like the Brothers Koch. That’s just priceless.

All three plan to attend college next year, but they’re not concerned about classes getting in the way of their goal: “A billion dollars!” Damir said. “By next year!” Mo affirmed the number with a nod. “But it’s not just about money,” he added. “We want to create a brotherhood. Like, all of us who are connected, who are in something together, who have influence, like the Koch brothers …

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As a long-ago high-school newspaper editor myself?
Cut unevenly, cheese will not stack.
Gouda. Especially Gouda.



Amen to that!!!

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Sloppy reporting.

I’m not sure it’s a coma so much as collective autofellatio that’s only interrupted by sucking each other’s dicks.

Plus the kid is 17, can he legally trade? I think you need to be 18 to enter into contracts and such.

Not mentioned in this article, FOX News ran with this story yesterday. Clowns. And of course the comments section had people saying he was raising the money for Al Qaeda since his last name is Islam. Ignorance beyond belief.

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One assumes they have been critical of Rolling Stone lately. Maybe they should STFU!

Please remove the word “Totally” from your vocabulary. It makes it look like it was written by a teenager or an Entertainment Weekly gossip columnist.
While you’re at it, retire “double down”.