Obama was a professor of Constitutional Law. Harris certainly passed her Con Law class at Hastings, but jeez-Louise this case really makes her look asleep at the wheel, defending a clear ethical lapse of a prosecutor and even the criminal implications. Unless she gets ahead of these hard-to-reconcile behaviors in her career, she is setting herself up for comparisons to Obama. It won’t be pretty.
Bennet has said he’s not interested. and Harris as Veep to anybody is wasing her talent.
I’m fantasizing Gov. Newsom would appoint Schiff to fill the seat, and then in 2022 Schiff would go on to win it outright. Schiff would have run for Feinstein’s seat had she decided to retire, so it would be Newsom making that happen for Schiff only later.
Newsom seems to be enjoying being governor, word is he’s going to stay as long as we’ll have him.
These are right wing talking points gathered from their future oppo research.
I’ve got my money on Schiff. He might have been senator now if Feinstein hadn’t decided to run.
One of my favorite people endorsing my favorite candidate!!! I love it!!!
Right-wing talking point? Certainly the case could be, but it would be about malfeasance of a lawyer in a very Republican-dominated DA office. Also the issue, which saw the state go hard on Murray eventually, was not timely in her Senate campaign. For the legal community, and California just revised its ethical standards for lawyers, this case has always been a sort of “huh?” Obviously, being the AG for 10% of the US population means you can’t know everything that goes on, but this case was beyond egregious. Kern County was the western home of the KKK in 1920s, Nashville West, and held witch sex trials in the 1980s. It remains a Republican county, and the DA office has only modestly improved from the crazy days of Ed Jagels. My sense was that she was not focused when this happened. She was first in supporting Emilio Huerta in his 2016 bid for the CA-21 seat, even campaigning on the ground for him. That seat eventually fell to a Democrat, TJ Cox last November.
“She embraces the future, not the
pastpresent, and is the person we need to move America forward.”
This works better for me.
I don’t think she’s a shiny object, I think she is the candidate with the best chance of winning. She isn’t shiny, she’s brilliant.
The 435 number was established because the number or reps was getting unwieldy. That calculation has not changed.
Binders full of talking points,
You might want to read up on Larry Wallace. That story really angered me and turned me off from Harris in a big way. For Harris to claim she was completely unaware that a member of her inner circle was sued for gender harassment and that the State of California settled the case for $400,000 and forced the victim to sign a NDA defies belief.
Either she is the most out of touch boss on the planet or she isn’t being completely honest here. One would expect a little more from someone who purports to be a leader in the MeToo movement.
Well, the Democratic nominee in 2016 was denigrated continually by decades’-old, right-wing talking points avidly consumed by a new generation of purported “progressives”. All that did was to help elect Donald Trump. And yet they still have no shame.
We’re going to hear Kamala Harris tarnished with the “corporate Democrat” constantly as these folks attempt to nominate another aged, white male. Count on it. We can see it happening right now.
And what of Sanders’ assertion that he was unaware of the misogyny and harassment in his own campaign? Does that defy your belief, too?
There are so many reasons Clinton lost to moron, and old RW talking points enhanced by Russian disinformation on social media and hacking and low turnout all contributed as well as Comey’s remarks 11 before the election about her email.
Yes, they’ll put out all the same old stuff, but the party is in a world of hurt and is in decline, and the Democratic Party is in the ascendency. Personally, I’m not going to listen to it. Because why?
Some are quite eager to relegate any woman to the second position.

And what of Sanders’ assertion that he was unaware of the misogyny in his own campaign? Does that defy your belief, too?
What does Sanders have to do with this? Leave the whataboutisming for the right-wing nut jobs. And for the record, I can’t stand Bernie Sanders. If 2020 came down to Trump vs Sanders, I would either move to a new country or look into cryogenically freezing myself and skipping the next four years.
Yes, there’s that too. But why focus on what the oppo is going to do and say and instead focus on what this singular candidate brings to her campaign. She could be the female Obama gathering his specific demographic of voters, and will most likely will have to endure all the trashing he got before he won. Twice.
There’s a great deal of cannibalism that takes place in the Democratic Party. And it’s interesting that so many are denigrating Ms. Harris so eagerly when her campaign has just begun. She is the face of an integral part of the Democratic Party - women of color. They have been loyal party voters for decades and deserve representation at the highest levels of the party.
It’s comforting to know your feelings on sanders because I can’t escape the suspicion that many of his erstwhile supporters are slashing and burning the announced or prospective candidates in anticipation of his entry into the field.