Discussion: Ted Cruz's Dad: 'The Average Black' Does Not Know The Minimum Wage Is Bad

…And then I said, ‘Did you know that every member of the Ku Klux Klan were Democrats from the South?’…

Yep, and did you know that TODAY, every member of the Ku Klux Klan is a Republican from the South?..


That old man is just a groveling money grubber…


“[A]ll the handouts to blacks have kept blacks in the poorhouse.”

Less than 15% of government benefits go to African-Americans; almost 70% go to White non-Hispanics.

The only people who “need to be educated” are racist Republicans; clearly, they can’t do math.


It wouldn’t surprise me if the KKK disassociated itself from the GOP.

As someone who practices the Christian faith, I have to say that at times, some of these so-called ministers make me feel embarrassed to be a Christian: No love for the poor, no love for the sick, no love for the immigrant, no love for those who are different. So damn contrary to Christ’s teachings.


Ted Cruz’s Dad:

He’s the know-it-all in the local blue collar bar or barber shop whom the other patrons think of as “smart”.

“Yeah, ol; man Cruz. He’s really smart. Dey oughta put da guy on TV”.


NOW can we just give them their own country?

I say give them the Guano Islands…appropriate, no? Or cut a deal with Putin to give them a chunk of Siberia in exchange for, say, a fleet of SUVs? The Jeezus Krischun Repooblick of Teabiblestan.


“Jason Riley said in an interview, Did you know before we had minimum
wage laws black unemployment and white unemployment were the same?”

Roosevelt signed the Fair Labor Act in 1938. It appears from the BLS website they made monthly reports on employment trends by industry starting in 1915, but only started keeping unemployment records in 1966. So the next time someone tries to pull that crap, call them out on it.


Ain;t that the damned truth. Fucking amazing isn’t it.

It is families like the Cruz’s that give immigrants a bad name. If I didn’t know better, I would wonder if they are like the old fashion ‘sleeper cell(s)’ planted in the USA by our enemies. To be awaken to cause confusion and disrupt the USA.
I know of no one who has disrupted the political scene and hurt the USA like Ted Cruz has in recent times.
Castro would be proud.


Those pesky little facts republicans want no part of. They believe O’Reilly’s Killing Jesus is based on facts so there you have it

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The ignorance is strong with this fuckstick.


Not so hard to imagine that Cruz’s dad is a racist homophobic fascist prick, rather to be expected.

Now we know where the shit-stream that comes out of Ted Carnival Cruz’s mouth comes from. he inherited it from his father.

He’s been a racist for generations. Literally.

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Mr. Cruz is ignoring the fact that prior to the Civil Rights Act, most southern states were majority Democrat, or, to be more accurate, Dixie-crat. Many in the deep South felt betrayed that such legislation could become law. They began making noise to “oust them all,” much like today’s Tea Party.

The GOP of that time saw an opening to invite those angry Dixie-crats into their tent and began making overtures to States’ Rights, a dog-whistle to racists and anti-government types of the time to push back against this national ploy to give blacks a more fair shake.

So yeah, those Dixie-crats who vehemently opposed Civil Rights legislation were Democrats in the early 60’s. But they then became Republicans across the late 60’s and 70’s. Those states are Red states today. They vote Republican, their only news source is Fox News and they broadly support efforts to repeal the Civil Rights Act.

They’re today’s Republican base.


I guess I don’t need to point out that every single person listening to this guy speak is white.


“I want to tell you one
more thing I know about
the Negro…uh,
‘average black’" continued
“They didn’t understand that
the G.O.P. deserved at least
10% of the average black vote
in the last 4 presidential elections…
and almost nailed it in '04!”


Open mouth, insert foot.

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Is it me or does he resemble Dick Cheney ? One things for sure, their both dicks.

And it took every ounce of self-control and hours of practice to not say neggra.