Discussion: Ted Cruz To 'Global Warming Alarmists': Galileo Was 'Branded A Denier' Too

Cruz and Tom Cotton of Arkansas have together diminished, perhaps forever, the caché of a “Harvard education.”


Really, Ted? The Ancient Greeks thought the Earth was spherical, and this viewpoint never really changed among the educated of the world. The myth of the Flat Earth believers of the 14th century (200 years before Galileo) is really a myth. No, Ted, Galileo (a scientist, mathematician, the “father of modern physics” and “father of modern science”) was criticized by the Catholic Church and his writings submitted to the Roman Inquisition because he dared to challenge, with scientific evidence, the church’s belief in geocentrism - the belief that the Earth was the center of the universe. Galileo proved that the Earth is no more the center of the universe than you are, Ted. By the way, Galileo did a lot of other cool stuff, too - I mean, actually discovered things, improved things, made life better and the world more informed. If you’re going to compare yourself to him, try doing something positive for a change.


The world’s not just warming,



Yes, and it was the ignorant Ted Cruzes of that era who arrested Galileo, found him guilty of heresy, and placed him under house arrest.

They, like Cruz, were not scientists. Galileo is not only a scientist, he is considered the “father of modern science.”

Cruz is a regressive jerk.

Cruz and his odious ilk prove conclusively that it’s always and forever Opposite Day in Baggerland.


This is a thing Republicans do. They take a great visionary from somewhere in history, one who stood against strong headwinds of their time, and liken themselves to that person’s battle. So, denying LGBTs basic civil rights is the same thing as Rosa Parks refusing to move to the back of the bus. Curtailing minorities’ right to vote is the same as MLK fighting for minorities’ right to vote. Gandhi’s hunger strikes, they say, is almost identical to forcing a government shutdown over Obamacare. What they don’t seem to grasp is that in all these situations, be it Parks, MLK, or Gandhi’s, they’re the bad guys. They’re the ones standing athwart progress, against history, against science, against humanity.


Sorry cubnanian, you have that backwards.

The bible thumping baggers are the flat-earthers (i.e., your base). They are the ones that believe there is no such thing as environmental change…but, do believe in every word of their bible they thump, regardless of what it spews. Even the flat-earth lies!


I could care less about this idiots position on global warming. Come to think of it, I could care less about his position on anything.


Dubya wasn’t a smart ass; he was a DUMB-ass. “Is our children learning?”

You know it used to be: ‘It is accepted scientific wisdom the Earth is flat.’

No it didn’t, we have know that the world was round since Ancient Greece.

And this heretic named Galileo was branded a denier.

Galileo got in trouble over pushing the Heliocentric as opposed to Ptolemaic model for the Solar System,* the shape of Earth had nothing to do with it as everyone already knew the world was round, you tool.

*Actually, his trouble had to do with Church politics as much as anything else, but the Heliocentric/Ptolemaic debate was part of what his enemies used to get him in trouble. It really is a more complicated story than popular culture usually presents it as.


We can all be glad that about 90 percent of the country feels the same way.


Can you say "hubris?’

I knew you could.

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I don’t ask for much.
If You wished to smite this fool?
I would not think less of You for it.

If You do ramp up the Rapture anytime soon?
And You choose to include Sen Cruz?
I’d rather just hang out here-- if it’s all the same to You.





Well, we couldn’t care less.

He is nothing as a human being (perhaps less than nothing, because I believe, overall, he does a great deal of harm).

And that’s the problem. The harm he does can only occur because of those who believe what he says. The vast amount money the country lost because of the government brinkmanship he engaged in months ago would never have happened if Cruz was locked away in a sanitarium, instead of the United States Senate…

Galileo, was an Italian physicist, mathematician, engineer, astronomer, and philosopher who played a major role in the scientific revolution during the Renaissance. His achievements include improvements to the telescope and consequent astronomical observations and support for Copernicanism. Galileo has been called the “father of modern observational astronomy”, the “father of modern physics”, the “father of science”, and “the father of modern science”.

You Rafael? You’re a putz with delusions.


He’s on a roll, our Ted is. Well on his way to Crackpot status.

A 5 point starting credit.
1 point for every statement that is widely agreed on to be false.
2 points for every statement that is clearly vacuous.
3 points for every statement that is logically inconsistent.
5 points for each such statement that is adhered to despite careful correction.
5 points for using a thought experiment that contradicts the results of a widely accepted real experiment.
10 points for pointing out that you have gone to school, as if this were evidence of sanity.
10 points for arguing that a current well-established theory is “only a theory”, as if this were somehow a point against it.


40 points for comparing yourself to Galileo, suggesting that a modern-day Inquisition is hard at work on your case, and so on.



More importantly neither his nor your position on global warming are going to do matter one little bit to the data. The Earth’s climate is changing or it isn’t. The data I have seen says it is changing. What we need to do with Ted is ask him for his evidence. Opinions and arguments don’t matter. If a 1970 study is all he has, he is in real trouble.


[quote] The bible thumping baggers are the flat-earthers (i.e., your base). They are the ones that believe there is no such thing as environmental change…but, do believe in every word of their bible they thump, regardless of what it spews. Even the flat-earth lies! [/quote] Well, what they’ve been told is in The Bible since most of their kind can’t actually read.

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