Discussion: Ted Cruz Just Told Us All We Need To Know About The GOP And Muslims

Actually it is MUCH more basic and visceral than that for the Reich-Wingers.
It is not about Religion or Legitimacy it is about one thing and one thing only: RACE.
Ask any Tea-Bagger WHY they think Obama is a “Mooslim” and they will tell you: “Because he is Black”.
(using MUCH more “colorful” terms than that of course.)
From DAY ONE they could not accept the FACT that a Black Man was President so they began to invent all sorts of REASONS he could not be, in fact, the lawfully elected President of the Untied States of America (TWICE!)
ALL of their reasons come down to racism, no matter how you try to spin them, or camouflage them.


Cruz: “what are the consequences been in the last six and a half years…" [sic], [sic], [sic]


Lest we forget, Cruz was a master debater at Princeton/Harvard Law…now he’s just full of shit. (Probably still a “master debater,” but that is too icky to think about.)


If you start from this position: “42 percent of Republicans… say the Bible is literally true.”

Then all of these beliefs follow very easily:

“49 percent of Republicans don’t believe in evolution, a new Public Policy Polling survey found Tuesday.”

"40 percent of conservative Republicans deny that global warming will ever happen, while an additional 19 percent believe that it will only affect future generations. "

“54 percent believe that Obama is a Muslim.”

In other words, the Republican Party is dominated root and branch by people who believe in utterly absurd nonsense.


It’s time to stop treating the Republicans as a serious political party. And by the way, how is Obama going to implement sharia law? Isn’t he turning over control of the US to the UN?


Well, now that we’ve seen this Republican plan, I have to admit that it looks virtually bulletproof. I guess there will be no third term for Barack Obama.


It’s the latest incarnation of Lee Atwater’s famous dog whistle. Cruz is no dummy: he knows he can’t drop the n-word. But he certainly can raise the specter of Obama the “sekrit Muslin” all day long.

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Never attribute to malice that which is adequately explained by stupidity.


I don’t think it’s at all surprising that they believe these things. They all believe there is an invisible man in the sky that they talk to and who answers them and grants wishes as long as they ask really hard. It betters their chances if they get a bunch of friends to ask him really hard, too

People like this can believe in ANYTHING.

as Dick Cheney said about the WMDs in Iraq… that’s just proof that he’s hiding his Islamic faith really, really well.


Well, this is a good analysis, well written, but …

It’s three years out of date. It might’ve gotten traction in 2012, but not now.

Not Marcotte’s fault, though, really. Really Cruz’s. He and Carson are three years out of date.

Or 30. Or 300. Or 3,000.


Of course.

Not to mention he is the first president to host a Passover Seder in the White House.


nicely done.

Imagine the outrage if that many democrats believed that Ben Carson was secretly a Muslim (or basically anything other than Christian).

that reminds me of a joke we used to use when i was a kid growing up in the early 80’s.

“does your mom know that you’re gay?”, which if the person said “no”, you would cleverly respond with “oh, she doesn’t know yet?”. the presupposition being that the person was indeed gay.

i know, not politically correct, and childish. but so are the GOP.

The GOP has talked in coded language since Nixon. Even Joe McCarthy was more honest about his hate.

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delmar spotted the ploy: That’s how he covers up his Muslim-ieness – by acting like a Christian. He’s a deep-cover Muslim and the Muslim insiders who put him on his secret mission are the only ones who know this.
We’ve kind of inferred it. They know it.
Nice work, delmar. We’ll promote you to corporal.

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And the (very) old interrogation question: “When did you stop/how long have you been beating your wife?”

Devious indeed! Slimmy! dishonest!

Is this a reflection of Americans, that a significant number of voters are not going to see this.